Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Madden NFL 2002

er/coach" is unbelievable. I think EASports could take advantage of the X's power next year and create the "perfect" football game. But overall I Love This game.
Gameplay: The gameplay is realistic and its fun. This game is sooo deep you can adjust all aspects of the game to make it as realistic as possible. The stats seem to be right on. Running the ball is extremely fun. Passing is really good too. I've heard of complaints of the big controller and effects on the passing game, but I do not agree. The contoller seems perfect to me.
Graphics: Madden has great graphics. Not quite Fever, but still great. The players and coaches look very good, but not identicle to real life counterparts. The moves, tackeling and catches are superb.
Audio: The sound is OK. Commentary is a little repetitive but still tolerable. With the X Box's power we should be hearing a lot more variety. And a little more intelligent on what is going on in the game and in previous games. The music and sound effects are a little better than average.
Suggestions: This would improve the game:
1. More TV like presentation. Have highlights of other games during the game.
2. Be able to import or create your own logo for created teams.
3. More commentary, not so repetitive. Could talk about season-long stats or how they have been playing in previous games. Also would be nice if they could say the "drafted" and "created" players names during the games. Not just "Number Eleven".
4. Combine tests and Heisman info for college players.
5. Get rid of "No Photo" for created players. Digitize the faces for photo.
6. We need to be able to pile up and dive into the endzone. Not just run in place in crowds.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10