Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Gameplay: not only a superior single player game Rainbow six is probably the best online FPS. After 5 mins youll be in the action giving your team mates specific orders and unloading some bullets into an unsuspecting enemy. With modes such as Mission (A co-op version of the single player game), terrorist hunt, Survival, Team Survival, and sharpshooter theres hours of game play.
Graphics: Rainbow six not only excells with amazing A.I. and realism. It also uses the Splinter cell game engine to provide excellent lighting and realism in the game environment. Also to be looked out for is the excellent Flash bang effects.
Audio: With brilliant bullet sound the dynamic sound brings another dimension to this already immersive game. You will often hear the terrorists shouting desperate orders or warnings which also helps to add the feeling of realism.
Suggestions: Perhaps they could include more maps but apart from that this game is almost perfect BUY IT NOW!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10