Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 39
Turok: Evolution

Gameplay: by far a 4.5. the single player is soooooooooooooooooooo much fun, the more you play the better is gets.. its strange, most games aren't quite as good as when they first start, but they game developers did a great job of keeping intrest. the multiplayer is very cool, it lacks lan capabilities which really really blows, but its really fun so i guess it doesnt impair it. Oh and the previous ratings of this game where people said turok runs slow?? wtf the game runs at 60 fps, in no way does turok run slow he runs quite fast! plenty fast to escape danger.. i love the speed. Master Chief on the other hand runs like a grandma. since halo ran at 30 fps, MC ran very slow, i dont see how anyone can say turok runs slow.
Graphics: the graphics are superb, besides the plantlife. the character models are sharp and the blood and gore of this game is very realistic and the damage indiction is cool i.e. you can blow someones head, arm, leg etc. completely off. everything looks really awesome, except for the plants they are kinda 2-d, but thats if you look up close i.e. zoomed. but it really doesnt matter because the game runs very fast and the way the game is made, the plants are desigened that way it just looks great running through a jungle. basically what im trying to say is dont worry about it..
Audio: I love the soundtrack, i found myself humming it in the shower. here's the best part. there is a different tune each chapter! how cool is that, it never gets boring because theres always something fresh and original. and it all sounds very prehistoric with a constant sense of danger. Also, the sound fx are very cool, the weapons sound realistic and especially running through the jungle its very cool.. it sounds very real, also i just found this out today, i jumped on a dead half-eaten dino and it made a squish noise.. ewww.
Suggestions: You guys did a superb job! Unlike most i dont give a category a 5 rating unless its flawless, and like most video games, something isnt perfect ;) *except for the sound, i loved it!*
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Overall Appeal: 5, i rate this category a straight 5 because not only are the mechanical bird menus cool, but the overall feel of the game is very dark and exciting to any veteran action/adventure fan.
i honestly cant see how anyone could ever diss this game. Lets just think about this for a second (even if you havent played it), the only reason someone could rate this game low is if they arent a fan of its genre. because lemme put it this way.. THIS GAME ROCKS!! omg, this is by far one of the most exciting action/adventure games i have ever played. and i cant see how anyone could argue differently.
Gameplay: gameplay is fast and furious with melee weaponry. and with ranged combat. i.e. bows/crossbows its just as exciting.
the gameplay consists of traversing through dark dungeons, abandoned cities etc. and completing objectives, either finding your way out of a crumbling city or protecting a fortress from oncoming enemy advances. When confronting by one of the many different numerous enemies, you have two main ways to dispatch him. 1) close combat, i.e. swords, maces, hammers, axes etc. and while in close combat you can defend with a number of different shields. 2) ranged attacks, i.e. bows and crossbows as well as magical staffs.
Now this game has a ton of weapons!! --this is how it works, every time you complete a stage you gain acess to more weapons and equipment, the huntress (archer) for instance by level 5, can pick from 3 different types of crossbows as well as 3 different types of regular bows, all kinds of arrow types i.e. flaming, explosing, sniping. and you can pick light armor for her as well as buying healing potions. the amount of equipment available is constantly growing and quite impressive. I was afraid it would be limited, which is always depressing for a game of its type, but nope.. i was wrong.
So besides the plethora of weapons available and extremely fun and fast paced action, this game offers hours upon hours of fun, because as you continue through your quest you unlock more characters, AND!! when you are finished with the light campaign (good guys) you can play the bad guys (dark campaign) how cool is that.. you get to play as the bad guys! This category definitely deserves a 5 in my book!
Graphics: Oh wow, where to being.. the grafix in this game rival that of halo. i dont know the tech terms to use, so ill just put it this way.. They kick major @$$!! the character and level designs are very detailed and extremely beautiful, in a gothic sort of way, heh. you have to see it for yourself..
Audio: sound is kick butt. the soundtrack that plays is captivating. i always seem engrossed into the game when i hear it.. it gets me pumped and ready for anything.. it is a classic score for a medieval game.
Suggestions: Awesome game!! keep up the goodwork, but for the sequel, try to make it multiplayer :)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

This game blows! omg i cant believe how many people like this game, i think they just dont want to diss a game that they had super high hopes for and wasted 50 bucks on.
Gameplay: Gameplay... what gameplay?? this game is so !&%$@#* dull, it may be hack and slash but its boring as F*ck. I like hack and slashers but this game is missing something huge that draws your attention. The zombies and every enemy look so gay, the first boss you fight looks so stupid. but like i said the gameplay sucks. i wouldnt even call it gameplay because its not appealing. I lied to myself at first saying it was a good game, but im just admitting it now.. this game is horrible. its sooooooooo blase~
Graphics: the graphics are mediocre, ive seen better i.e. halo and enclave. but for its genre, its probably the best. they definitely are jaw dropping and like i mentioned earlier the art sucks, i hated all the creatures they dont look scary at all.
Audio: there is nothing special about the music i dont see why anyone could love it.. i think the band they have playing for it sucks, but thats just My opinion.
Suggestions: this game is FUBAR, i wouldnt know where to begin *yawn*
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Now for the "overall appeal" one word ... Awesome! RPG fans, adventure fans, any mature gamer who can appreciate this fine piece of work.. brace yourselves! When i first saw the title screen along with that amazing tune i was already hooked, just sets the mood for this amazing fantasy game. I have never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games, but i decided to give this one a shot because (a. i read up on it and it sounded great (b. i have an xbox and wanted a new game. Anyways I give this game a 5 in this category because it darn well deserves it, play it and you'll know why. But like i have mentioned earlier, this game isnt for immature little kiddies, its an intense adventure filled phenomena! I just can't believe everthing you can do. If you are searching for a game with an incredible atmosphere along with an outstanding sound track, beautiful graphics, and deep gameplay... Look no further, Morrowind will blow you away!
Gameplay: It is still mind-boggling about all the things you can do, to just list a few: You can steal anything you want (pots, books, gold, almost anything in someones own house!) Not only that but you can actually sneak up behind an NPC (non-player character) and pickpocket them!!, when talking to people you can persuade them to dish out more information, you can do this by either: Sweet-talking them, Taunting them, Give them a threat, or bribing them. And if these are successful, their disposition towards you goes up and they like you more. Theres just so much you can do i could never list it all in 5,000 characters. Let's see you can also mix ingredients to make potions (with a mortar and pestel) using your alchemy skill. You can enchant items with creatures' souls. etc. etc. etc.. and sooooooo much more but now i will talk about the Actually fighting. It is not merely hack and slash and some people have stated. It may seem that way but you just dont stand there and keep pressing the R button. there are 3 different types of swings. An overhead swing, a jab, and one from side to side (i believe) and the longer you hold the R button the strong the swing will be. And you dont always hit, that depends on your skill with that weapon. Its very very original and once you understand the fighting system you can enjoy it much more. There are also spells to be cast and potions to drink and so on. Aside from the fighting, the world itself is extremely fun to explore, within towns you can join guilds which give you quests to complete, and along your journey you may find a damsel in distress or someone lying dead on the road and you can choose to investigage it. There is just soooo much to do, i can barely explain it. I give this category a 5 because of the sheer amount of depth to the gameplay.
Graphics: Wow! From the absolutely amazing looking water, to the cool archetecture, this game has top notch graphics. I am no visual wizz so i cant tell you the terminology used for the description in graphics, but the graphics are very unique, not only do they draw you into the world, they are jaw-dropping. They aren't Halo quality (in that everything is bump-mapped and pixel shadded) but for the type of game it is, i dont think those things are necessary. the graphics are awesome for the type of game it is. Definitely worth a 5!
Audio: Oh boy, i love the sound so much. It seems most people have said they get old, but i love 'um. The soundtrack is super cool. It may only have one tune, but its an awesome one. It really draws you in the world. I think it sounds amazing and i love hearing it over and over, i dont see what the big gripe is?? Sound Fx are great, from sword swings to the thunder when it rains its just.. what can i say.. Awesome! 5 all the way!
Suggestions: Keep up the excellent work, although this game will keep me busy for the rest of my life! i will still be looking forward to the next in the series of Elder Scrolls.. No complaints from me!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Ok, this is one helluva game. If you like blood-sucking vampires, then theres no reason you wouldnt like this game. If you like action/adventure games, then theres no reason you wouldnt like this game, and if you like a dark storyline that follows with the original then you will definitely like it.
Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome. It consists of a hack and slash/block system. any time you kill an enemy you can pick up his weapon and use it. The weapons range from: maces, to swords.
What really makes this game cool is the dark powers you get. One of them for instance is called "mist" which allows you to become an invisible specter when mist is present. You get to creeep up behind a knight and stealth kill him. Those instant deaths range from: breaking their neck to literally chopping off their heads. Then there's mind control, immolate (ignite your enemies) etc.
Throughout the game you can find secret chests that upgrade your skill (lore) or your weapon.
The gameplay is just really really cool, you can even pick up someone off their feet by their neck and throw them across the room.
The only drawback to gameplay is lack of enemies, theres only a few kinds you'll come across, but other than that it is still a really fun game.
Graphics: The grafix are great. they arent the best ive ever seen, but the atmosphere is really eerie and dark. The textures are nice and the whole game is anti-aliased which is a major plus. the overall environment is really cool.
creeping through ally ways and jumping rooftops is always fun. pos2 couldn't handle these grafix, but they still aren't taking full advantage of xbox.
Audio: I really really enjoy the sound, from the really creepy background music to the slurping of blood when you suck it, is just really cool.
Suggestions: Doesn't follow the prequel that well. blood Omen was an awesome game with an awesome variety of primary and secondary weapons along with great spells and lots of creatures made an amazing gaming experience, if you could have only done that with this game, i would have given it 10/10
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10