Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 10
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Gameplay: the gameplay is terrific u feel like ur sam fisher.grabbing someone as a spy online is the best feeling u can get. u feel incontrol and on top on and off line. ALso many people complained about the toughness of the game in the first one.. I think in this game offline Ubi has found the perfect balance. Hard but not frustrating is key.
Graphics: the graphics are somewhat obvious and expected of ubisoft. better then any human as ever seen before... we are used to it. ubi owns all pandora's graphics are unmathched rainbow six 3- eat ur heart out.
Audio: the sounds and voiciing are fantastic. the sound of someone struggling is amazing. And lambert grim and sam are al exceeltent actors. the voices are flawless especially lambert.."Fisher your paid to be invisible".. ofcourse a classic.
Suggestions: The only suggestions to Ubi is more lvls. I am not an amazing gamer but i had no trouble beating this game in a few days and only about 10 hours. The missions are long, however 8 missions is not sufficient. Also MAKE ANOTHER ONE SOON!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are easy and tight. I had no problem figuring out this game. I think they are better then Ghost Recons.
Graphics: The graphics are amazing. The lighting engine is the same as splinter cell's. The graphics are amazing and the people are very realistic looking.
Audio: The sound of bullets whizzing by is fantastic. Grenades and explosions are awsome.You can hear people walking up steps and doors opening.
Suggestions: One frustrating thing in the missions is when your team members get in your way of fire while they are opening up a door. Many times i found myself shooting Eddy Price in the back of the head.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10