Average Overall Score Given: 7.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 106
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: The AI programmed into Halo is unprecedented. You will often find you asking yourself whether or not the marines by your side are actually playing along with you and are reacting to what you do. Often times they break out into totally unexpected one-liners after shootouts such as, ?Get up so I can school you again!? As you progress you will notice every detail that can be possibly utilized with the marines is in fact there. Each marine you fight along side with seems to have their own certain personality that adds quite a lot of charm to the game.
The enemies also have absolutely astounding AI that only seems to getter better as the difficulty level is raised. You will notice they seem to communicate with each other and ultimately work with each other to do whatever it takes to defeat you. The convenant enemies range from short little purplish characters called Grunts to the much larger and more difficult Hunters. Each seems to utilize a different battle strategy on the field. The smaller Grunts, if overwhelmed, will actually fall back and take cover behind other objects or larger covenant. The Jackals are able to use that ever present shield whilst attacking you with their plasma rifles. Elites, for the most part, use plasma weapons but will use melee attack if needed. Hunters on the other hand usually rely on their fairly quick speed and powerful melee attack to obliterate you, though are not shy in using the powerful plasma cannon incorporated into their arm.
The fantastic vehicles Halo incorporates also deserve to be noted. Although a bit difficult to master at first, the various number of vehicles provide a unique feature in game play that setup quite an entertaining experience.
I?m sure you have been told time and time again by PC enthusiasts that fps don?t translate well to consoles because of the controlling situation. Well, the Halo controller scheme is as good as it gets, just short of the famed keyboard and mouse combo. Movement is smooth, and also comes with the ability to change the inverse settings and sensitivity to suit everyone?s needs.
Graphics: The first thing you will notice upon being immersed in the Halo world will no doubt be the almost flawless graphics. Halo seamlessly incorporates vast and enthralling environments that have never been seen before in a console game. The textures of the game should also be brought into focus. Unlike other games where you would walk up to a wall or a tree and the texture on which gets blockier the closer you get, Halo is the complete opposite. As you move closer to an object, the more detailed it becomes. However, it will be hard to notice such mundane details with the spectacular lighting effects and onscreen action that draws your eye almost instantaneously. This includes the scenery from the always occurring explosions to the sun casting shadows on every object in the environment itself. If you need further proof of Halos graphical prowess and enhanced lighting, using the flashlight in a darkened area and your jaw will drop to the ground from the smallest details set before you.
The often overlooked animations are also as detailed as you can get within a video game. The convenant enemy moves with fluidity and ease, really immersing you in the story and game play. The marines move together in sync and are so articulate they give you the feeling of actually being in a tactical strike during certain maps.
The only fault Halo possesses in the graphical department is the occasional slowdown you will experience from time to time over the course of the game. This especially becomes noticeable when large amounts of enemies and explosions occur on the screen at once. Though it is really nothing significant and doesn?t affect the great game play at all.
Audio: With the inclusion of Dolby Digital 5.1 and taking full advantage of the Xbox?s sound options, Halo?s sound just doesn?t get any better. From the beginning of the game where you learn to listen to much needed instructions to the grizzly sounds on the battlefield, Halo will impress everybody. Through the sound you become completely immersed in the game play and therefore receive a far more well-rounded game experience. Even the soundtrack for the game is simply astonishing. Each score does its job in setting the mood while not intruding and completely overtaking the situation like some game soundtracks.
Suggestions: Bots included in multiplayer.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Oh my, Oh my, where do I begin? I honestly dont think this game has very much of any Gameplay appeal whatsoever. I really hate to knock a game so hard when i know a team of programmers spent a good chunk of their time creating a title to release to the public. But I really dont see how this made it past MS quality control. The controls of the game feel extremely awkward. The bulk of the gameplay is pretty much mashing down one or two buttons, wash, rinse, and repeat. Its just generally not a very fun game at all with its short length and extremely simplistic gameplay.
Graphics: Visually, this game looks as though it should be on the PSOne. Well maybe not THAT bad. But it is no 'next gen' title. Mistakes in character models are painfully easy to point out and notice. It could have been so much better if it was actually finished and polished up.
Audio: Not much here, I guess you shouldnt expect much from a non-polished fighting title other than the grunts, and the occasional cheers from the audience.
Suggestions: Should really have kept it much longer and polished it up. It had potential.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: With a variety of modes, and a whole plethora of objectives in career mode this is definetly one of the longer titles out on shelves today.
The game can be quite difficult especially with the awkward controls at first. At some points even a bit tedious, especially with the constant search for snowmen which will drive some absolutely crazy trying to find.
Once mastered however, this game becomes an absolute pleasure to play.
Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous in every way. The courses, though at first at bit timid and small, become vast and extremely entertaining. The character
Audio: With the inclusion of being able to rip your own soundtrack into the game, it really doesnt get any better. The sound of the characters and the constant mockery of some of those media folk also give it that extra oomph.
Suggestions: Make the controller setup a bit easier for those first getting into the game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10