Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 125
Turok: Evolution

Overall Score - 8/10 thus far.
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Gameplay: Control - The controls are very tight and responsive. You can fine tune your aiming with both horizontal and vertical controls. They are preset to 5 and the range goes from 1-10. I left mine at 5 for now. There is an autoaim feature which I don't like. Basically if you see two enemies a distance off, aim at the first and pluge him with 2 arrows killing him, the next area shoots off to the other enemy without me having to move my aiming crosshairs. With autoaim off, the game becomes much more challenging. I would have preferred an aim assist like in Halo, something inbetween auto-aim and auto-aim off basically. I'm playing the game through without auto-aim though since that adds a good challenge. The flying scenes were difficult for me at first simply because I was not familiar with the controls. I picked it up quickly and can now skim over the water and fly through canyons without trouble.
Graphics: Graphics - Turok does some things better then Halo, and some things much, much worse. I've only been on outdoor levels thus far, no inside fighting yet. The areas you can walk around in are very large, but you are roped in by a ring of dense plant matter. If you walk into the dense plant matter it doesn't scale well and you run into large 2-D textured plants. Not very impressive. That is the worst graphic glitch, but the rest of the games graphics more then make up for this inconvenience. The land is huge and expansive with no Fog trick needed to limit draw distance. The dinosaurs look fantastic and the ground is bump mapped nicely. My favorite part is the hordes of native creatures wandering over the lands. Birds, many type of monkeys, gazelles, frogs, butterflies, there is always a ton of action on screen. I was surprised at first that my club would become covered with blood after I smacked a few grunt soldiers and dinosaurs with it. Nice effect. The waterfalls, rainbow effect, and flying scenes are very nice. I'd rate this game an 8 for graphics.
Audio: Sound - The sound effects are really well done. The rushing waterfall, the shotgun pellets slapping against rock, the bullets ricocheting through the canyons. Even the voices of the enemy's is well done. (although I don't know how they learned to speak english...)
Suggestions: System Link!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10