Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Mad Dash Racing

first made me want to play this game.
I beat the demo and thought that this
game would be a good, fun game. It's sad that it's not as popular as halo
it's truely a fun and unique game it
has some ok music (i didn't really dig moby that much) three modes of play to master, I've only mastered one and a really good bonus at the end. After completing the game (witch i haven't done just yet) you
get a special septer that enables you to do all three character specific moves (dash, bash, glide)
I only wish the jerks would have let
me play my own music in the game, sure the music "fit" the game but I didn't think the music was that good
and music is such a big thing in racing games. What were they thinking
when they didn't take advantage of one of the xbox's main abillities?Leaving out mp3 playback of your own riped music was a major mistake and pissed me off alot but overall I really enjoyed it and was only mad becaus I had spent an hour riping track onto my x for this game
Gameplay: not alot of courses, nut alot of
paths and secrets to uncover. Multiplayer action isn't to shaby aswell, in fact it's pretty !&%$@#* ed fun wipping my bro at this game
Graphics: Hell it's the xbox, the graphics rocked like most games on this system
I didn't notice any lag no real big slow downs/s
Audio: Well, I Respect the fact that they
took the time to license tracks for the game, but why the hell leave out
mp3 playback on a racing game? muy malo. thats the whole reason I thought i'd buy it, catch some speed and listen to my fav tunes. I was very saden when I found that you couldn't play ur own tracks.
Suggestions: little less on the cartoon voices,
mp3 playback
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10