Average Overall Score Given: 4.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 9
Project Gotham Racing 2

Gameplay: The gameplay is like taken out of an old arcade game from the 90's. When you are driving the "car", even the smallest and fastest cars turns and acts like a huge truck. In every turn you have to use your handbrake, or you will 100% surely bump into the wall. The modes and different cars feel exactly the same - slow and repetative. (I have mastered this game, and win over 50% of the games I play live)
Graphics: PGR2 looks beutiful, (like all Xbox games) except every "city" you race in is dead...feels like driving around looking at pictures of a city. Weather effects look great, blah blah blah, if you love a game for the graphics alone, you can stop the car (since its no fun anyway) and just look at the fine graphics.
Audio: The sound would be ok if they made the cars sound like cars..and not mixmasters. Even the ferrari sounds like some toy, what were they thinking? The music is ok, nothing special.
Suggestions: Next time, make a good game instead. I have no idea how you managed to hype this game so much, but nice that you are rich, why dont you start working on a quality game? Try copying codemaster or EA, good luck..
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10