Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 28
TransWorld Surf

Surfing fans will truly be stoked though, for there are a ton of extra surfing movies, trialers, commercials
rider interviews, and other surf-related videos. Highly reccomended for the die hard surfing fan and anyone with even a passing intrest in surfing or who is tired of skateboarding and snowboarding games and wants to try something new.
Gameplay: Transworld surf mixies it up with a variety of different trick types but it has hardly enough actual tricks in their respected catagories. There are few tricks, but the designers made up for this by creating a smooth combo system where its not about what tricks you do its about how you link them. The combo system is very forgiving and if your good you can keep up a string of tricks untill the wave dies out. There are 3 different wave types for your surfing pleasure: normal, hazardous, and difficult. They add some vaiety to the mix but they really dont have that much influence on what you're doing (unless its hazardous - solid objects can have lots of influence on the path of a surfer...). You can paddle around to each of the 3 wave types, which is realistic, but wouldn't you rather hitch a ride with a mysterious jet ski riding reef girl who moves at the speed of light - a nice move by the game designers which makes the paddling stat totally useless when selecting a surfer or a board (one can only wonder why it was included
- "Hey friend look my surfer paddles good!" - friend whizzes by being towed by hot reef girl moving at the speed of light). Multiplayer is pretty basic, the only standout is King of the Wave where you do tricks to gain speed and knock your friends of of the wave. Gameplay is pretty deep overall, with a sweet combo system to master so you can unlock some nice videos for each rider and level and beat up on your friends in multiplayer.
Graphics: The graphics are nice but they could be so much better. The Surfer models are low polygon and blocky while the wave motion is clunky and the spray from your board and the waves is lame. The water textures look amazing, though, and the levels are populated with a nice varity of sea life, boats, and other surfers. Another cool thing is that you are not surfing out in the middle of nowhere, there are islands and cites with high rises in the background and you can surf under brigdes and piers, through sunken bunkers, and a ton of other cool places. Throughout the whole game the frame rate stays really high, in fact I never experiencied a drop in frame rate. Then again Transworld Surf doesn't make full use off the Xbox's power.
Audio: Sound is pretty basic with your asortment of surfer grunts and wave splashes. The reef girl's comments ("I don't mid picking you up, you're hot") are a nice touch. The music is pretty much surfer punk stuff, you either like it or you don't, and there is a good assortment of it from
about 20 differnt bands.
Suggestions: Some added tricks and work on the graphics and sound along with a create your own rider feature would have made for a higher score. It also could have used some dynamic waves instead of just the 3 set types. Hopefully there will be a sequel.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10