Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 158
Brothers In Arms Road To Hill 30

Gameplay: As far as gameplay goes, its a tossup. Your individual controls are very nice, tight controls. The "Iron- sights" addition to the zoom function is a nice touch. (If this is not your bag, don't sweat. You can turn on a traditional reticule).
However, the squad controls are a bit clunky. I don't know how many times I try and tell my second squad to surpress a position for them to go off and rush them. Its not the order I give, but the controls are so very similar in nature it gets easy to mix up.
Graphics: Decent graphics. Not the best I have seen, yet not the worst. I can not give it very low marks because of the nice touch's added to the game- such as tracers, and "dirt spray".
Audio: I have two words for you- Directional Sound. Just about all games support Pro Logic surround sound anymore, but to have a game acurately support 5.1 is just amazing. when the firing starts you will know where it is comming from just by listening. Another nice touch is point of origns on the speaking parts as well. If someone is speaking to you, and your not looking at them, the sound moves to orientate itself to your heading. Awesome.
Suggestions: Moving mouths are nice, so that you know who the speaker is....but baby gibberish? Thats what it looks like to me. The mouth animations are just too clunky for me to not hear the Charlie Brown teacher voice in my head everytime I see someone speak in the game..."Whaa Whaa Wha Whaaa"
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Solid game play. Each car can be fully adjusted-be it gear ratio to tire hardness. Best tuning I have seen yet in an XBox title yet. And one truely amazing difference that is NOT functioning in any other racing title yet....your adjustments are truely applied! It is no longer just a cosmetic change...if you crank up your first gear torque curve, you had better not floor it off the line...that is unless you WANT to do a burnout while everyone else passes you.
Still, I have yet to find any sort of adjustments for the single player game...there goes more points...
Graphics: Theres something about seeing a brand new Opel without a rear bumper, one exhaust dragging the ground, the other one ripped off a lap ago, no rear window and the passanger door swinging open...all while your poor car sputters and putts down the track. The graphics still are not on par with PGR2 but they are fairly close. I would give this a 5 except for the horrid intro movie. When I watched that I honestly thought that they were using game graphics...gratefully they weren't. I don't know if they programmed the intro movie on a Commodore 64 or what but pee-you...they stunk!
Audio: A racing game is a racing game is a racing game. However, they do use distinct sounds for each car, some of them sound a little off, but they do have individual sounds. Not bad, but thats not what I pay attention to in a racing game. Oh, and it supports custom sound tracks.
Suggestions: Bring back the options in single player from TOCA 1. The single player is too linear and it just doesn't make sense to be racing a bad a$$ Ford then switch to a friggin Seabring for the very next race....
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: If you played either of the two previous versions then you know what to expect. Nothing has really changed. New to the lineup for Single Player is the Gathering Mode. This is a series of Time trials and cone contests. The great thing about this new mode is the fact that you can unlock a new car with each race. So, ontop of the cash you earn you get the chance to earn these.
However, my main complaint is that even though it is advertised that you get to keep your cars, goods, and cash from GT 2002 you don't. You get a percentage of money based on how many races you have won up to a max of $130,000. A nice little perk if you don't mind loosing everything that you have spent the last few weeks building up in anticipa....ok sorry was on a rant there.....
Graphics: Same graphics....not really more to say. But honestly for $20 what more do you want?? However, they attempted to up the graphics on the new tracks.
Audio: Any game that will allow you to use your own soundtrack gets some perks in my book. Instead of listening to the "new" tracks that the Online version brings to the table you can listen to your own tracks. However, each car has a slight variation on the sound of the cars so I cant rate it extremely low.
Suggestions: Fix the online "glitches". These include lag when you have 6 people in a room, the dropping problems with 6 people, the crazy "diving through" cars ocasionaly bug, and the choppiness of voice chat in game. All of thease can be fixed with a latency patch. Once this is fixed it will be all good!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Now here is where my problems lay. If your going to be in the same mind-set as the other Tony Hawk Pro Skater clones then you really need to have a similar layout....a similar feel. Maybe its just me, but EVEN AFTER I switched the grind button to "Y" it still didn't feel quite right. Maybe its because of the X and Y- Axis problems in the game. I know its not supposed to be and be more "realistic" but it IS a game. There is no way I would go out and try a Rodeo 720 flip with a tweek throught the entire trick. Thats just suicidal. But I WILL try it in a game. And Im sorry, if my virtual boarder is just a "smidge" off of his landing then why can't that be a gimme? I have to land perfectly every time???? And the other complaint I have about gameplay is the fact that if this IS a realistic game then how can you sit there for an entire run grinding the lift wires just so you can max your score? This makes Live a total fluke. Because you always get this one joker.....
Graphics: Beautiful game. Excelent visuals and I have to say I love the "Camera View". Thats just too cool. Its a clearly defined time for you to know when you need to pull off your sickest tricks. Does have a bit of a ghosting problem on live though. I love following behind a friend the first time down a mountain and having him show me some of the coolest spots. but when he randomly appears and disapears....well now thats just disheartening...
Audio: Oh lord dont get me started.....Wonderful selection of music. Probably one of the most diverse sound tracks available in an X-Games inspired title. That is if you can hear it over the anoying "Far out dude"!, and the "You suck man" types of quips that the locals yell out everytime your board raises 1mm off of the ground. This got soo anoying I put my lovely lovely surround sound on mute for the first time ever on a game. This game DOES allow for your custom sound track but the gain on the sound track is turned so low, plus even if you have 50 songs in your sound track it will only play 2 or 3...if your lucky.
Suggestions: Give a little cushin on your landings and you would have a much larger fan base. Get rid of the horendous litte punk kids talking smack eveytime you do anything and this would be a truely quality game!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10