Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Gauntlet Dark Legacy

Gameplay: Fun i liked the game play a lot. it couldve been so much better with better graphics.
Graphics: this is where the game was hurting real bad. The graphics weren't great at all and it was easy to tell it was a port.
Audio: didn't really pay to much attention to this. It wasn't annoying or boring it kept the action going on so overall it wasn't bad.
Suggestions: Better Graphics..............
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty simple you're able to choose the contol configurations and so i changed mine to that of which halos controls are like. Sometimes switching guns and gadgets can be tricky. Driving is fun i like the multiple weapons your z3 has in the game.
Graphics: The visuals aren't bad im not gonna diss it and say i hate it cause their not incredible since the only games in my view that are visually stunning are DOA3, Halo. I think people tend to put their standards to high for the Xbox.
Audio: I liked the sound in the game just plain and simple i like when a scene of danger comes up that the music changes.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were a little harder than keyboard and mouse but once I got used to it I loved the game.
Graphics: The graffix are extremely well done by Bungie it kep me in awe and still does everytime I play it. The visuals are stunning
Audio: The sound was awesome how the marines and covenant speak to you I thought that is very cool I still can't get over how awesome this game is!
Suggestions: Make Halo 2 Pleeeaaaasse!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10