Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

While many were dissappointed
by some lack of modes, it still
gives a full package. Overall a
great game. The Create a
superstar mode is, very good.
great customation. Maybe a some
more unlockable faces would
have been good. One big detail
here. nearly every part of you
entrance is customizable. the pyro
ring lights ramp lights, titantron
lights. The only part npot very
customizable is the music. NO
support of custom soundtracks.
Gameplay: What ever you do, do NOT start
this game thinking no mercy. You
will have you !&%$@#* handed to you.
While the button layout is similar.
Timg and pacing the match
correctly are the most importanmt
things. If you try a grapple and
miss(easily done if your used to
bad collison detection) it leaves
you wide open for attack. The
controls are clumsy at first but
quickly get responsive as you
learn the games rythum.
Graphics: Without a doubt this is the best
looking wrestling game ever!
Wrestlers move as they should.
Muscles bulge as they walk. The
intros look spot on tv quality. Every
animation is smooth and the
transitions dont jerk you around.
Audio: The sound is great booming
music, wrestlers grunt and groan
as they are hit. The one negative
is the lack of custom soundtrack
support for entrances(again it
seems this would have been a
must have for caws).
Suggestions: Get those custom soundtracks
inthere then my RVD will be
complete with Walk from pantera!
Now that you have the game
engine down, work on some new
modes like ladder and tlc
matches. Maybe some backstage
areas too.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

game. The weapons have various
uses, the levels stay fresh and
some inovation is shown.
Gameplay: gameplay: the charectars are well
balanced and all of them are
interesting for the three minutes
you actully care. now to the "mad"
powers i was telling you about.
throughout each level there
meteor shards which when paired
with 9 others give you two special
abilities the mad dash and the
mad bash. the mad dash allows
you to run up very steep
hills(usually shortcuts). and the
mad bash lets you destroy a
damaged wall. thats in your way.
controls: unlike most racers you
can move freely throughout the
levels(via the left anolog stick)
since your charectar walks . this
proviides some extra control.
weapons are activated using the y
button. and the triggers are used
to activate your "mad" powers. Ill
explain below. the controls stay
tight but when sliding seem very
loose but matter any sliding
portion of a course directs you
automatically to the needed
direction. during certian portions
of levels you have
climb/swim/swing hand over hand
. To do this you have to spin the
right analog stick clockwise. This
seems annoying at first but it
gives you the advantage if you
Graphics: graphics: with a very cartoony look,
it still shows xbox's potential by
having well detailed and huge
levels. most levels provide a good
amount of crativity with different
Audio: overall good work. the voice over
while repeated a lot still are funny.
but having the evil dr say the same
thing everytime you win is just lazy.
Suggestions: make the bosses a little easier or
make sure we know how to defeat
tehm it took me 20 tries to beat the
first boss and i have no idea how i
did defeat him.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10