Average Overall Score Given: 9.70000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 941
Grand Theft Auto IV

Gameplay: GTA offers familiar gameplay to previous games. Of course, there is the driving, this is where some of the most fun in the game is had. It never gets dull when you hop in any vehicle on the road via jacking it from whoever owns it and just driving; driving over pedestrians, driving over hookers, driving over cops. Of course, as many will know, you would build up your wanted level, which is where the serious fun starts. Trying to escape dozens of cop cars after you and helicopters and more is always fun. Besides the driving to cause some chaos, you can get into fights. Personally, I feel as if the fist fights isn't a strong point in the game, they take a bit to get used too but once you do, it can be fun. However, what I like more is pulling out a weapon of choice and just opening fire on someone. The shooting is familiar to the other GTA games, with the typical targeting which locks onto someone. The shootouts in this game are a lot of fun, I think, and there's nothing better then wasting some drug dealers in the middle of their dealings. Of course, Rockstar has introduced the online gameplay in GTA IV. The online modes offers players hours and hours of extra fun into their GTA IV experience. Cops N Crooks for example puts a team of cops against a team of crooks in two variations of the game mode, All for One which the cops need to kill the Crooks boss before he reaches the extraction point or the One for All option in which the cops need to kill all of the Crooks. The Mafiya gametypes are good too in which you need to follow instructions and complete their objectives before others do. Then of course you have your typical deathmatch and race modes. Turf War is a familiar game mode, where you need to hold designated areas for a certain amount of time. Of course, for those of you who don't like to compete in game modes there is Free Mode, where the city is open and you can do whatever you want, with no objectives. Of course, if you don't want to go ahead with missions or other jobs, you can roam around the city and bowl, play darts, or shoot pool, they even have an arcade game throughout the city, called Qubed. If mini-games don't appeal to you, go to a strip club, I'm sure someone will enjoy that place. You can browse the net, watch TV, there is plenty to do in this game. GTA IV offers some of the best gameplay to date for this generation of consoles.
Graphics: The visuals in this game are great, I think. The scenery while your driving around Liberty City is absolutely phenomenal. There is a lot of detail that went into the design of the city and I think that can be easily seen. The character models in this game are good too, and better than they had previously been for a GTA game. Many cutscenes in this game are great, cinema like even. The opening scene in the game feels much like the opening of a movie, and as the game progresses it still feels that way. The graphics for GTA IV really set the stage for the depth that this game has to offer.
Audio: Audio in GTA IV is great. The voice acting is some of the best voice acting I've seen in a game for a while now, in my opinion, there is nothing bad about it. The sound fits right in with the stellar visuals. The sounds while your driving of vehicles, sounds of the city, and voices of people in the streets. I think it all blends together nicely with the other games features to make this a great experience. The sounds of people screaming as you run them down with your vehicle will never be dull. Of course the radio while driving is still in place. While there are some good stations, there are a few I find to be rather annoying, but maybe that is just me. I happen to like the talk show bits on the radio, definitely funny stuff.
Suggestions: Suggestions.. There are of course a few flaws within the game, but nothing serious that really takes away from the experience of playing through it. One thing I would suggest is work on the fighting. I mean, sure it's alright and all but it's nothing fantastic and could be a lot better. It does indeed take some getting used too but it should be more, fluent.
Other than the combat, I would say don't change much else about the game. Rockstar, you've released a great title in IV and you should keep on the track that your moving in with these games.
Overall Score: 9.7 / 10