Average Overall Score Given: 4.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Midtown Madness 3

Gameplay: The gameplay is good but gets very repetitive and boring. There is one race that is nearly impossible. If you make a single mistake, you are done. Give me a break! It takes you about twenty races to memorize the track so you don't make any mistakes.
Graphics: This is the one good thing about the game. Washington DC looks great. I hate the French so Paris is stupid.
Audio: Don't know, I used my own soundtrack. The problem with that is it kept replaying the same songs over and over again. Enough already.
Suggestions: Go out of business and take your crapy game with you!!!
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Same as always. They try to have a story mode but it is really stupid. They don't have the original Tetris, there is no scoring and it is very easy on the hardest level. If you just keep spinning the pieces, they never lock into place. It passes the time. It came free with my XBOX so I don't care!
Graphics: It never really changes does it. Same old Tetris. The backgrounds are okay but why would you be looking at backgrounds while playing?
Audio: Like I said. Make sure you have a good soundtrack because this is all techno crap. You can go through a lot of songs while playing too.
Suggestions: Have some sort of scoring when playing head to head. Make more levels and have the pieces come down faster than they do in Level 15. DOn't try to create a story. Come up with better puzzles. Look both ways before crossing the street. Don't sit too close to the TV.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10