Average Overall Score Given: 5.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 26
NCAA Football 2004

Gameplay: Ok I have not found anything majorly wrong with the gameplay for me to give it a bad or les the perfect score. The plays in the game are extrodinary, and the way the game carriesitself out in gamewise is superb. There are a few minor glitches but they can be bypassed (ie a random football sitting on the field). The action sequences are great, the new tackles and player animations add wonders to the game. The penalties are real/deserving to the offender, unlike last year where the holding calls would pop up over and over again. The new endzone poses add a new element to the game, even allowing the player to get a penalty for overcelibrating. Also there is alot of added in game effects that add to the flavor of the game. When you fake a hand off to your back the camera will follow them, making me get faked out by my own play. Also it is much harder to throw over the middle of the field and throwing the long bomb does not result in big gains all the time like it did in 2003. Also there is the addition of delay routes that fake out the comp if used cautiously. But the comp will learn from its mistakes and fix its gameplan to fit yours. The ratings for all the players matter more then last year, low leveled QBs and RBs will fall under pressure, and low lvled LB will allow a WR to school him in his zone.
Graphics: I recently hooked up a PS2 and and xbox on side by side TVs (same type of TVs) and I was able to see the differences clearly. the graphics are much crisper and the attention to detail is more present in this Xbox game then any before. The uniforms look crisp and beautiful, the player faces are the run of the mill EA faces but more facial features seem to have been added. On the field the play runs smooth and it is almost as fun to watch a game as to play it.
Audio: The chants during the game are perfect, cept more of a diversity for team specific chants would have been great, but not greatly needed. The sounds on the field almost make you beilive your actually on the field. The in game commentary is better then last year, but the only reason I cant give sounds a 10 is cause of Corso, I think he gets more annoying with age.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10