Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 521
Doom 3

Gameplay: Slow-paced movement of your characters adds to the terror. Slowly advancing through dark corridors, it's a horror movie you get to control via a first person perspective. Gameplay is slow and engaging.
Graphics: Visuals: beautiful. The best graphics of any Xbox game currently out. Id did a wonderful job porting it to the Xbox. Incredible graphics and lighting effects.
Audio: The depth of the sound and background noises may cause you to wet your pants. Zombies and beings from hell surround you at all times. If you play this with surround sound, it makes you feel as if you ARE the marine.
Suggestions: Although campaign focused, add a bit to multiplayer. Deathmatch isn't very entertaining. Also, five multiplayer maps? That's a bit cheap. The weak multiplayer is the only thing holding the game back.
Awesome job Id. Doom 3 is well worth the money I spent.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

A must buy.
Gameplay: Not much has changed from MA1, but the changes are pretty sweet. Stealing mechs in your tiny little power armour is so rewarding and fun. Driving tanks: I know what you're thinking, it sucks right? Wrong. Tanks have a sniper gauss cannon and a cloak. It's very balanced and a great vehicle to drive. Turrets: they launch camera-operated missiles. How sweet is that! There is a lot more in MA2, but you'll just have to find it out for yourself.
Graphics: The visuals are great. Mechs look deadly and really cool. Environments are quite detailed (even on foot.) Nothing to complain about with these visuals.
Audio: The sound is a really treat for anyone who likes hard rock. Papa Roach and Breaking Benjamin are just a few examples of the artists in the soundtrack. All that hard rock really gets me pumped for taking down mechs in campaign.
Suggestions: Not much to suggest. Maybe custom sounds in multiplayer. I have no complaints with Mechassault 2. It's great.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10