Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3

Gameplay: The skill feature is really neat and made combat fun. The ability to switch PC's while in a battle was done flawlessly. Combat is real time and not turn based which added to the fun. Very enjoyable gameplay. My only beef is that the game is very linear and doesn't allow for much exploring. I guess I have Morrowind to thank for that.
Graphics: Visually the game is nice. It does have a mario 64 look but the graphics are alot smoother and better because they come from the Xbox. Nice colors and backgrounds.
Audio: The sound is your typical RPG music. It might be catchy but after 5 hours straight is begins to take its effects. Surround doesn't help it much.
Suggestions: Make the game longer and less linear if possible. Other than that keep the combat system because it is great for a real time combact system.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Besides the error, the gameplay is great. I'd spend hours at a time wandering around the world, doing as I pleased. You can do almost anything you want, steal, murder, whatever. Swinging your weapons gets a bit repeadative. Lots of fun going on killing sprees. It all comes back to the error message though, if you can't play the game(I couldn't finish in my case) then how fun can it be?
Graphics: The visuals are amazing. Great environments, different cities look different. Day turns to night, rain often falls and stops. Monsters and NPC's are a bit on the choppy side but they don't take away from the whole experience.
Audio: Again, great sound. You can hear your footsteps, the rain, thunder, wind, and all other things. Surround sound is great on this game. Best thing is the thunder. I really thought it was raining outside my house even 20+ hours into the game. The jumping noise is a bit funny but not that bad.
Suggestions: Only one. Fix the bug. The bug ruined this game for me. At least acknowledge the bug, Bethseda has never even said anything about it except that it is the individual Xboxs(load of crap considering its the only game that does it on my Xbox). I am like 50th level but each time I put Morrowind in my Xbox, it freezes within 10 minutes of starting it. This simply doesn't cut it. A game that is 95% complete should not have been released much less sold. I feel ripped off in two ways:
1. I paid 60 bucks for an incomplete game.
2. The game is really cool but I can't play it anymore due to the error so I am missing out on a potentially great game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10