Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004

Gameplay: gameplay is to die for. the swing mechanics are just as stellar as 03. sometimes the environment throws enough at you to really make accurate shot a challeng i.e. the wind and rain. the extras are what make this a blast. you get to play barbie with your character. from the get go the "game face" is where you actualy make some who looks just like you!! nose, cheeks, chin, it you can change it.
wanna be a big fat pig?? no problem.
mustache, goatee, mohawks, comb-overs, old, young, its all here!!! after that as you play and make money you get to buy cloths that will enhance your stats. shoes, socks, earings, shades, hats, jeans, nickers...its in the game!! this game is just totaly immersive. new courses and new golfers make much bigger than '03. there is alot more "side games " to keep one busy after the world tour is done. perhaps my favorite addition is the addition of custom soudtrack. golfing to metallica, naughty by nature, 311...the game gods answerd my prayers. just trust me and at least rent it....
Graphics: awsome. the characters all look fantastic. the courses look like the real thing. the whole game has a real polished look.
Audio: sound are most excelent. ball striking and such all sound good. david and gary are funny. david is a smart a$$ that has some good one liners. i mean it's all good here.
Suggestions: the only thing that grabs my goat is when the camera jumps to that cimatic view of the ball once in a while. kinda hard to spin it well when the camera is looking up at the ball from the side of the green/fairway. other than that can it get any better??? you dudes did one helluva job :)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10