Average Overall Score Given: 8.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 50
Soul Calibur 2

Gameplay: like all fighting games the goal is to knock out your opponent. In this game you have several different weapons for each character to help you accomplish this goal. Also you wont get far with button mashing.
Graphics: the graphics are pretty good. all the characters are very detailed and the arenas look cool. I have no problems with the game in this area
Audio: the sound is excellent in this game. All the music and the voices sound very good. Combat sounds good to
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: like i said it is hack in slash. You get three swords throughout the game that have different elemental powers. theres lightning fire and wind. You can upgraid your items with the souls you steal from your defeated foes
Graphics: the graphics are ok nothing special..............................
Audio: i liked the music it was pretty good. the voice acting was ok. and the rest of the sounds were nothing special
Suggestions: you need to fix the controls they really made the game a lot harder than it should be in some parts.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing. very easy to get used to and the controls are perfect. This game is challenging as well especially on Legendary mode
Graphics: Beautiful. there is no other way to describe it. Everything is crystal clear. So far it is the most graphically impressive game on the xbox
Audio: amazing. It would be even better if i had surround sound. The comments from your marines are ammusing
Suggestions: more weapons and enemies and also the indoor enviroments need some variety
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: More stuff to do than you can imagine. the only problem is the combat which is boring and repetative. despite this it is still an amazing game
Graphics: the character models are not that good but the envoroment and weather effects are breathtaking. The water is especially amazing
Audio: the footsteps are the most annoying sounds ive ever heard in a game. and the sounds when you swing your weapon are that great either. The music is awesome though, very epic sounding
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10