Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

And for those poor chaps that don't know about Buffy the Vampire slayer series? This could still be a very nice game to enjoy!
Gameplay: Kick-ass moves... to much to ever remember. And that with multiple characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander and Sid the dummy.
Each one with his/hers own strengths and style.
Multi-player is a big plus, even though i expected more of it.
Graphics: Graphics are pretty good.
Some of the animations are a bit less sharp looking than in the previous Buffy game, for example when staking a vampire.
Environments are looking great.
Characters could have looked better, i wouldn't recognize Willow if i didn't know she was in this game!
Audio: Sounds are pretty good. Less repetitive sentences but some ripped from the previous game.
Sadly enough no Dolby Digital.
And Willow sounds like she's being strangled by a vampire... Damn!
Suggestions: More multi-player! Make large levels so u must find each other. Think Slayer(s) looking for vampires, Vampires (also players) looking for food (NPC's) And then using system links or even Live.
And tell Willow not to torch my !&%$@#* all the time when i'm beating up sum demons. That's nasty girl!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10