Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

Gameplay: The gameplay is fairly straightforward. With that said it has a pretty high difficulty level, and the controls take a bit to get used to. Though, once you do its second nature to creep up behind a thug and snuff' him. The gameplay is very addicting and keeps you comming back for more even after to get stomped 10 times in a row for accidentally coughing in your xbox live communicator-alerting the thugs in your vacinity.
Graphics: The visual style is awesome. The whole game has a "grainy film" quality to it (which you are able to turn off if you dont like it). When you go in for a stealth kill it switches to a close up veiw of the carnage, so close blood and other body fluids get sprayed on the screen. Comparing this to the PS2 version the graphics are much cleaner with the lighting effects being slightly better.
Audio: I loved the sound in this game. A few people might not even know this but if you hook your xbox live communicator device up while playing the director yells at you through it instead of your stereo speakers. You can also talk/make noise/curse at the thugs via the headset and they will hear you and come looking for you...sweet...just remember to turn if off if you feel the need to clear your throat or sneeze. Thugs and the director say things not suitable for the young, or easily offended(Makes me laugh though). The 5.1 audio is clear, easily allowing you to determine where enemies are. All in all the sound design in this game is awesome.
Suggestions: When/if a sequel is made, work on the control a bit more. Seems like they tried to copy splinter cell, but fell short...which can make for some frustration.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10