Average Overall Score Given: 6.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Freedom Fighters

Gameplay: Really entertaining and addicting, the 3rd person view is really suitable for this game. I love the commanding your troop option. You really gotta think like your a general or something man. Multiplayer was so intense i couldn't stop playin it. Too bad my friends had to leave. and seeing that the story mode was soooooo short, i switched games. !&%$@#* ......... I was disapointed with how easy that big general guy leader of the soviets was easy to kill in the solo assassination mission, i just picked him off with my sniper from about 1 mile off. he was dead.
Graphics: Graphics really fitted this game perfectly!! FLawless graphics yo . INTENSE. the rain, the snow and cartoon yet real graphics really kicked butt, its hard to put into words for those of you who have not played this game, but they really are good.
Audio: Sound got kind of repetitive with like the commands you gave too your fellow freedom fighters. There was like 3 different sayings for each command you gave,uuuuugggh.
Suggestions: Cooperative missions maybe? i dont know if that would work though. Online play for sure. Multiplayer was intense fun!!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is still the outstanding game play that we all enjoyed on the PC. Althought i do believe that it would work better with a keyboard and mouse, the gameplay was really good except from the fact that you could only play bots in single player mode, i was hoping for a campaign or something like rainbow 6 or anything. Xbox Live is a must have for this game.
Graphics: The graphics could of been better on the xbox. Dont keep the PC resources conserving graphics that were ment for like 32 megs of ram on the PC for the XBOX. AMP IT UP BIG TIME PLEASE
Audio: Sound was generally pleasing with the soundtrack configuration idea, that really made the game a lot better. Nothing like fraggin some newbies with 2pac blasting in the background. GOT SHOT 5 TImes and they couldnt drop be.. woootttt
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was kind of hard to learn since i think that this game would be better with the classic keyboard and mouse. The control really took a bit to get used to and still your aim will be terrible....... The story line is exciting at the start but it gets repetitive after you keep saving hostage after hostage and defusing bomb after bomb and killing stupid tango after stupid tango. What happend to the mission where you can fly in a helicopter or some vehicle like in that KICKASS Intro Video too the game, that was basically what rocked in the whole game. THE INTRO TO THE GAME. 5.0 ON INTRO YEEEEEEEEE
Graphics: The visual is really good if you are not used to it already from like raven shield or something, it is still the "Unreal Engine" i believe. While this engine is really good, it mainly specializes in its maps, lighting and shadows. The character models were really made crappy, when they strafe sideways it looks like they are surfing on thing air. what nastyness. sometimes i felt that the fire that comes out of the gun was a bit late and not accurate.
Audio: BANG BANG BANG, CONTACT, BANG BANG BANG, TANGO SPOTTED, BOOM BANG, HOLDING POSITION, FOLLOWING, BANG BANG BANG BANG, GREEEEENADEEEE. BOOOOOOOOM............. anything else???? no. Although the music may not be the best, i felt it really suited this type of game.
Suggestions: fiX UP your player models with that walking surfing or whatever that was, how about a cooperative story mode, friends and i really were expecting a cooperative play. BY THE WAY, with out xbox live or XBconnect or whatever, you will not like this game at all, the story line will last about 5 days.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10