Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Dead Man's Hand

Gameplay: Western shootout game. It's like Halo meets the old west.It is very smooth and easy to pick up and learn.
Graphics: Cool level design. Old western feel really works. The brothel rocks. The graphics are nothing to write home about but they are pretty good.
Audio: Great music. Great weapon sounds.Cool voice overs. Sounds funny when you shoot someone in the arse! Some of the guys in the game cuss at you in spanish. Great stuff.
Suggestions: More levels for X box live. Maybe more weapon selection.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Almost perfect controls. Your joes move went directed,well most of the time.It takes a bit of getting use to.The only thing that sucks is how long it takes to reload your weapons. You are sure to take a few hits while loading if you are not careful.This is my first experience with using a headset.Let me tell you, I rocks. It really brings you into the game.I was sitting at the edge of my couch half the night.Which brings me to how addictive it is.I sat there for seven and a half hours the first night I played it.My wife was thrilled.Ha Ha! I'm so glad I got rid of my Playstation 2. The only problem Ive had so far is that one of my joes got stuck behind some barrels as I was clearing a room and I was calling for them with no response. I back tracked and found him running in place behind these barrels.What a dumb@$!....
Graphics: Very cool graphics in this game.Sort of reminds me of Splinter Cell.(DUH) I just love it when you walk into something like curtains and they drape over you and sway back and forth. It gives me the chills. What really rocked was when I shot a dude standing on a set of stairs.He fell to his death and preceded to slide down the stairs.I got a woody man.
Audio: The weapons sound pretty authentic from what I can tell.I'm a Joe myself and as far as I'm concerned they rock(once again).The music is really cool.One cool effect is when one of your joes bites the dust the music takes on a minor quality (sad) that makes you want to take a moment of silence if only someone wasn't trying unload some fast hot lead up your terd-cutter.No complaints in the sound department....
Suggestions: Gimme more!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very smooth game play.You cant help but to tighten all your muscles and lean back on every massive vertical air.Its seems that just about every object is fair game for grinding or busting sick tricks on.
Graphics: So far I only have 4 levels opened.But so far so good from what I have experienced.The skaters look cool.Some of the people you run into seem a little boxy.I dig the party mode cheat. I like all the cheats except the monkey cheat.Its just annoying...
Audio: I love the soundtrack on this one.Lots of old school stuff.You cant beat a game that will play JFA.Its also cool that the younger kids get exposure to the older punk stuff.Listening to real music as opposed to "game music" is such a cool idea.It makes the game more enjoyable..
Suggestions: More old school punk stuff and also make it for xbox live.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10