Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 746
MX vs. ATV Unleashed

Gameplay: The gameplay is fantastic. Best gameplay ever in a motocross game. Very realistic and yet still fun as hell. This is what keeps me playing the game.
Graphics: The visuals are good but nothing spectacular. You can definatley tell a difference between the PS2 and Xbox versions but nothing much better than what was on MX Unleashed.
Audio: The sound has not changed. The sound isn't bad but I think they should update it. The 2 stroke 250 is the most annoying in the game. Just change them so that its something new, and it feels like a new game not just a patched one with different tracks. Also I cannot get the custom soundtracks to work right. I get them all set up with the songs I want to hear and then save my game. If I turn of my Xbox and play again it forgets about my custom tracks I picked. Very annoying.
Suggestions: Fix all the bugs dammit! The online is horrible. It suffers from insane amounts of lag, the type of lag that happens like when someone "standby's" you on Halo 2. Fix the part where you can never connect to a game, I get tired of reading the "Game Session Not Available" or w/e it is. Fix the headset problems also. I get so tired of hearing people say "Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" for 20 freaking minutes. Its annoying. Fix the custom soundtracks, update the sounds. Basically make this a complete game cuz im glad i didnt spend 50 bucks on this thing.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10