Total Reviews: 6
Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 877

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition

Overall: This is the most in depth RPG I have ever played. You start off as a prisoner being released in a strange land for an unknown reason by the Emperor. You must forfill the Nervarine prophecies and defeat the evil immortal, Dagoth Ur.

the expansions of the Tribunal and Bloodmoon lead to hours upon hours of additional gameplay.

Gameplay: You can play in either 1st person or 3rd person, but 1st is much easier to control and is the way it was meant to be played. You have an inventory, can wear armor, of which there are 3 kinds, medium, light, and heavy each kind has a variety of different materials and differents qualities, rarieties, and values of armor within each type. You use your skills to level up to increase your attributes. Pretty standard RPG stuff. Hundreds of unique characers and you can choose between 9 races, either male or female, then you can choose your hair and face from the race's available selections. Each race has certain boosts and some have weugh, it does tend to be quite sensitive to a dirty lense, or a bad DVD drive. I have gotten more lock-ups and dirty disk errors with this game than all of the games I have ever played combined. Expect at least 1 a day.

Graphics: the visuals are good, not awe-inspiring or as good as Halo, but very good considering it is a couple of years old and has been ported for the xbox. Sometimes there are clipping issues, but overall the visuals are solid.

Audio: the sound is so-so, no custom soundtracks, and most of the time I don't even notice the music when I'm playing any game so I can't say a lot about it.

Suggestions: its a solid game, I wish we could have plugins via Xboxlive, but MS wouldnt' let them because they didn't launch it as a live title.

polish it more, its way too glitchy for such an enjoyable game.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: awesome is the only word to describe Halo. It has set the standard for all fps to follow. It is one constant, incredibly intense gun battle.

Gameplay: The gameplay is almost as perfect as it could have been in performance, but the storyline isn't impressive and the gameplay stays exactly the same throughout the game.

Graphics: the visuals look awesome and couldn't look much better. There isn't any problems with clipping or glitches that I've found in my dozens and dozens of hours of play.

Audio: the sound is pretty awesome and doesn't really have a lot of flaws, although hearing the same music on every level tends to get kinda old really quick, it still sounds great, although being able to use your own music would have been nice.

Suggestions: xbox live and let me use my own music

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Shenmue 2

Overall: I was disappointed in this game. I bought it when it first came out and have since played it for well over 100 hours.

Gameplay: The controls are relatively simple and easy to use. The beginning is very, very boring and starts extremely slow. The mini games are a nice touch, but why are slot machines always in games? I am sick of them, but besides them the mini games and various tasks you must accomplish are relatively fun.
During fights it seems like everything slows down and get fuzzy at times and it is glitchy. I enjoyed the Q.T.E. fights more than the street fights. The story line is good, but in the end you accomplish absolutely nothing and it is a complete cliff hanger. Also the last 2-3 hours of the game make you want to shoot yourself because all you do is run throught forest paths following a girl.
Interactions with people are always boring and predictable. And Ryo is always WAY TOO POLITE!!

The entire game really is like watching a movie, because you have no control over the story line, and either you do what you are supposed to or you have to keep trying until you get it, example- a dude throws a watermelon at your head you are supposed to punch it- smashing it into a dozen pieces, but if you don't you have to keep trying.
At the end you also automatically start over from the beginning and lose all of the items and moves you have been working the entire game to get.

Graphics: Visually the game looks great, but in the fight mode it is blurry and slow, but everywhere e;se the senery is beautiful- you almost feel like you are in hong kong (before they were given back to the communist Chinese)

Audio: Slightly above average with some beautiful sounding melodies which seem to calm me- which I need after wasting 50$ on a piece of crap with abosolutely NO REPLAY VALUE!!!!! believe me I beat the game more than twice and it sucks.

Suggestions: Give the game some replay value!!! More action and fights. More different characters and if you have a fighting mode- duh!!! make it a two player

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Enter the Matrix

Overall: It was decent, but not really exceptional. The graphics were ok and the moves looked great, but the shooting sucked.

Gameplay: The hand to hand combat mode is a lot of fun and easy to master. The moves also look great.
The shooting part on the other hand, well how should I put this???? hhmmmm... I know IT SUCKS!!!!! It is almost impossible to aim without going into first person mode and then you can't move. One the driving missions the controls are screwy too especially when you are supposed to shoot the other cars- the controlls are inverted and I couldn't figure out how to fix them.

I found the hacking minigame to be the best part of the whole game. I liked the idea that you could make weapon drops within the matrix.

Graphics: The game looks pretty good overall, sometimes it is a little glitchy, but only once in a while. Bullet time looks awesome and so do the moves you can perform while in it.

Audio: I honestly don't remember that much about the sound, but I couldn't have been too bad because I don't remember it. It was probably pretty decent.

Suggestions: Overall a good game, but so many of the missions were so frusterating that I got bored and cheated :) , but then again lots of them were insanely simple. Most were a little long and got boring though.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Overall: As close to a perfect game as you're going to find at this time. This game seamlessly blends cool music, the shadowy world of espionage and a third person shooter into one kick butt package.

Gameplay: I don't like third person shooters mainly because I find them hard to control and shooting to be awkward at best, but I found the controls to be flawless. I is easy to creep when you want to and easy to haul !&%$@#* when you need to. The aiming was something I haven't seen before and now I prefer it to first person shooters. The weapons are extremely underpowered, but that is just another reason to be crafty and covert instead of going in killing everyone in sight.

Graphics: Awesome, the best graphics when it came out and half a year later still the best. The was shadows are used are not only amazing, but useful. What do I mean? You are supposed to hide in them stupid!!!!! The people all look unique to some degree and the attention to detail is astounding.

Audio: Again awesome. This game has the coolest theme song I have heard for any game. Sometimes I just want to start up the xbox just to watch the opening video and the song. During missions the music lets you know if the bad guys know where you are or are shooting at you or whatever, the music is just as informative as it is intrancing. The music also depends on your actions. Silent when you are sneaking, and almost rocka and roll when in a fierce firefight.

Suggestions: I am glad you are making a sequel, but make the weapons stronger and give it a multiplayer function-which I believe they are doing.
Keep up the good work and I expect the sequel to be just as good- preferably better than the original.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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