Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 6
ESPN NHL Hockey 2K4

Gameplay: Players react very smoothly and responsively to the players commands. Puck acts very realistically when it hits somewhere. You don´t always have a perfect shot, because the puck might be on a wrong position or it might hit the players stick and bounce out of ice.
Graphics: The graphics in these game are great! Not as good as EA´s NHL:s, but very impressive indeed. Some people keeps yacking about players faces, but i think they are good enough for the game that tries to be the most realistic hockey game, not best looking..
Audio: The sound of crowd begging for a goal at overtime period creates a feeling, that you really are on the ice. That is just wonderful. Commentators really know what they are talking about, and they´re speech is always on time. Especially i liked that little smooth soundeffect you can hear when puck hits the post. Not like EA:s overloud BOjOingg!!
Suggestions: It would be great when tackling player, that sometimes their helmet or glove would drop to the ice, and then he would have to get that stuff or just keep playing. And maybe a little possibility of a breaking stick when shooting hard or broken stick on a rough tackle against the boards.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10