Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Brute Force
Overall: the game is very decent, though it isnt going to be a halo 2. it is probably the funnest game i have ever played, and it didnt get boring at all. It wasnt the longest game either, i beat it in about 6 hours
Gameplay: the gameplay is awsome, it is probably close to the best. the only thing that i dont like about the gameplay is that if your walking up a hill, your guys feet are still flat, but who really cares about that?
Graphics: the graphics arnt the best, maybe for a shooting game they are good, but if you compare those to somthing like a car racing game, the graphics really arnt that good, but u almost cant compare that to a racing game, cause you dont have cars, so for a shooting game, it is probably the best ive seen so far!
Audio: the sound was very decent, all of the guns sound neat when you shoot them and stuff, but i wasnt really paying much attention to how it sounded
Suggestions: umm....add more guns, and maybe make the special last longer, that would be fun.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10