Average Overall Score Given: 9.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003

Gameplay: It plays just like a real game of golf. Except you don't get tired. Now that's real fun. Don't forget your six pack.
Graphics: Really good with nice cutaways of ball flight and golfer's expressions. Great maps of real golf courses.
Audio: The narration is priceless at times. Those commentators praise and criticize you but not to the point wherew it's annoying.
Suggestions: Some of the water visuals need work. I don't like when the cutaway goes to the golfer reaction and you can't see your ball touch down on the green - it screws up my spin, dude!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nice choice of weapons. You move through the levels through fighting and puzzle solving. There's a boss to defeat at the end of each level.
Graphics: Pretty good visuals. I was expecting a little better though from all the hype. But decent in general.
Audio: Very cool sound while fighting which is good because you sure hear alot of it. The nunchukas sound just like Bruce Lee's movies.
Suggestions: I think a little less fighting and don't make the enemies respawn when you return back to a room. Put more puzzles and cutaways next time.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very dynamic and immersive game. You play out a Tom Clancy style plot. Very cinematic feel which immerses you in to the game.
Graphics: Innovative visuals that surpasses all other games at the time of it's release. The lighting effects are magnificent!
Audio: Excellent sound in general. The dialogue is especially good. They got a somewhat known actor (Michael Ironside) to do Sam's voice overs.
Suggestions: Ubisoft rocks! Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing beats it. You are totally immersed in a very realistic environment that just keeps you wanting to finish the game. In multiplayer, you communicate with your teammate to accomplish your missions: very cool.
Graphics: Really good visuals. You have the choice of regular,night or thermal vision at all times. They've also given you binoculars this time which rocks! Didn't get perfect marks here because when the screen is dark the area around Sam's head gets blocky, bummer.
Audio: A bit of a let down here unfortunately. The musical score is great, the sound effects are standard, but they really dropped the ball on the voices - a big disappointment compared to what was done in the prequel. The developers go to the trouble of hiring a great actor, Michael Ironside, as Sam Fisher and totally screw up on all the other voices. The are no accents like the first game had with Russians, etc. The dialogue is really cheesy at times too.
Suggestions: Tell your dudes at the Shanghai studio that there are different dialects of the english language and people do speak english with accents. As gamers, we like total immersion when we work for the CIA. This is serious !&%$@#* you know!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10