Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

As a huge Spiderman fan, I found alot of satisfaction based soley on the fact that I was actually controlling the web-slinger. They managed to include all the aspects that make Spidey who he is too. Tying up foes with your webbing, swinging through the NYC skyline, spider sense, even Spidermans clever wise-cracks and insights.
One of the best aspects of the game is actually the voice acting, which includes the likes of Bruce Cambell, Toby Maguire, and Willem Dafoe. Its not just a light dosage either, virutally all the big battles have alot of dialogue being thrown around, especially between GreenGoblin and Spiderman.
Though it has some nice unlockable features, the game is realtively short. Given some of the tediousness of several levels, there's really not alot to go back to. This one may be best as a rental.
Gameplay: The gameplay was close to being good, but something still seemed to be keeping it down and left me at times feeling not so into it.
Even though throughout the game you will be discovering various three-button combos, ground combat is mostly reduced to simple button-mashing. Its kept at bay from being tedious only by the fact you can interject some webbing tricks when the need arises.
The camera angles can often become a hassle too. Say you're traveling in one direction and try to rotate the camera, unless you come to a dead stop, Spidey will continue running in the original direction you had pressed. It would be a minor annoyance execept for the parts where you are trying to sneak around or in a panic to find some health before you get killed.
I did find alot of enjoyment out of the battles that took place in the sky though.
Graphics: Graphics are pretty good. Nothing spectacular but still definitely good quality. Some of the textures on buildings tend to get a little repetative but the majority of character models are done very nice. Sometimes while in an indoors location, everything starts to look the same but its not too bad.
The cutscenes between missions were actually very high quality, adding to their overall appeal.
Audio: The voice acting is one of the things that really make this game shine. All of Spideys little quips or insights during gameplay are voiced by Toby Maguire, and there's alot of them! Spiderman will have something to say to just about every new situation he's presented with. Willem Dafoe once again pulled off a stellar performance as the voice of Green Goblin and he also has alot of spoken dialogue.
The other sound effects were really only mediocre though.
Music was nice, it fits the backround very good and made me think I was actually playing the movie.
Suggestions: Focus more on what makes Spiderman great, his aerial acrobatics.
Stick to a few more complicated combos instead of a large list of three-button ones. Also, Spiderman has super strength! If he hits a normal guy several times, the guy should go flying, not get back up three more times and come back for more.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10