Average Overall Score Given: 9.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 9
Full Spectrum Warrior

Gameplay: Very Realistic, ummm the birds were a nice touch. I like the way it cuts to a cutscene when one of your guys gets hit. Thas why i mostly stood my guys in the middle of the street so they could be the ones gettin shot and not me...way to take one for the team guys...
Graphics: Graphics....oh boy this otta be fun...but yea, the graphics were really, ummmmm, yea. They were decent. But they could've been better, but i decided to be genorous with the score cause thas how i am....
Audio: In surround, AWESOME! On the regular boob tube....not too great but i always played it with my surround on so i had nothin to worry bout...but very nice sounds when it came down to throwin out commands to your privates....hehe get it?
Suggestions: nice blood and gore reaction...but IF you make another game....perhaps let the gamer be the one the type of person that comes how from school and likes to shoot things....and no im not talkin bout things around my neighborhood. I like to shoot things in a game...ahhh nothin like shootin a good terrorist after bombin a test....wouldn't you say?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great game play. From the weapons all the way to the smarts of the cops, it'll keep you running through out the whole entire game.
Graphics: Graphics on the game are pretty cool. They are nothing like Halo or Splinter Cell but for a Rockstar game, they are pretty good.
Audio: Sound on this game is unbelieveable. You can hear all the cops talking and you can hear all the weapons. Such as when you fire the rocket launcher you can here it being launched.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Everything in this game,even down to the freakin trees,is realistic.But playing it with surround sound is AWESOME!!
Graphics: GRAPHICS ARE GREAT!! if you look closely enough you can see the faces of the grunts right before you blow their brains out.
Audio: With surround is GREAT GAMEPLAY!!! you can hear weapons shooting at you from every direction. And you can also hear the grunts and jackels moving around trying to shoot you.
Suggestions: Best game no game is ever gonna top this with the exception of Halo 2.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10