Total Reviews: 2
Average Overall Score Given: 4.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

X2: Wolverine's Revenge

Overall: X2: Wolverines revenge is a similar type of game to Spiderman, both gameplay and grpahic wise. The player assumes the role of Wolverine, in his quest to find his idenity?? i could be wrong but thats what the first level had me doing. Sorry to say, I never tried getting part the 2nd.

Gameplay: The gameplay is brain numbling dull. Back in the days of NES, most movie tie in's we're platformers. Well, now we're seeing the movie tie ins made into 3rd person beat em ups. I presume that making these games aren't difficult, simply due to the sheer number of these games made. Theres nothing here AT ALL that hasn't already been done and done better. Spiderman was ok for what it was, so if u liked spiderman chances are u may enjoy this. But DONT mistake this game for anymore than a cheap movie tie in.
Punch kick, get hurt, retract ur blades -> Heal, kick, punch, look for door key etc etc... surely everyones played and know these type of games.

Graphics: Not much i can say about this, other than i presume its a mulipte platform release, because the graphics here look terrible, they dont even look good on a PS2, let alone xbox. Everythings jagged and edgy, the colours are bland, colission detection is faulty, clipping is non existant etc...

Audio: Hmmm not sure on this one, the punches make a satisfying crunch when they connect, mines sound ok, Wolverines Claws sound good. Voice acting isn't 2 bad either. But that doesn't mean the sound is good, it just means the sound is acceptable.

Suggestions: With the money u will undoublty make from the sales of this game, buy urself some nice cars, a house, women, u know, the good stuff in life. Then pretend like this game never existed.

Overall Score: 4.0 / 10 Hulk

Overall: Hulk in a standard movie tie in in the form of a 3rd person beat em up. Punch, Jump, lots of punching and smashing stuff. A few special moves here and there. Use Bruce Banner other times in espionage missions.

Gameplay: After reviewing Wolverine on xbox, i thought that was scraping the bottom of the barrel, alas, Hulk's even simplier than that. The controls are pretty easy to get the hang of, but what ur supposed to be doing is SOOO boring its not worth while describing. Most of the time Hulk's on a specific track u can't deviate from, so exploring is totally out of the question. The enemies are stock standard soldiers, big ugly dogs, 1 tank and a few helicopter's. Punch each one enough and they all die. that simple.

Graphics: Visuals are quite nice, nice big sprites and effects... the hulk looks good and moves fluently, and the cutscenes are intergrated well and look great.

Audio: The sound was ok to, the hulks loud, all the weapons sound good, and things die with pleasing sound effects. No real complaints here either.

Suggestions: Lucky its a movie tie in, and ull make ur money from fans of the movie.

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

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