Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Gameplay: This is nothing more than a vehicle combat game online which isn't necessarily a bad thing only it isn't done well. Offline it a pretty good game that you will enjoy if you are a Star Wars fan. You have your escort, protect, and destroy missions. Pretty standard. There are also a couple areas where you are a jedi with a lightsaber. A neat touch that has promise it just needs to be worked out a little more.
Graphics: No complaints here. I will point out though that the textures are decreased online. Not that you'll notice much because the action is happening so fast you don't have time to stop and smell the roses so to speak.
Audio: Perfect. When you play this game, there is no doubt you are listening to John Williams and are a part of the Star Wars universe. The sound effects are great as well. This is the one thing this game does well.
Suggestions: There is really no reason why we should have such a small selection of vehicles to choose from. What I would like to see is a game where you are not limited by a single movie but rather all the vehicles from all the movies, and yes I am talking about The Millenium Falcon, Slave I, as well as an AT AT Walker. Maybe even when you beat the game you could pilot a Star Destroyer. Think Battlefield 1942 but Star Wars. Also, make sure the online element is fun. I have never been more disappointed.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10