Average Overall Score Given: 8.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 35
Robocop: The Future of Law Enforcement

Gameplay: Really quite choppy. I had a rough time shooting accurately without using the analog stick to zoom in at a target, which is a huge time consumer when youre trying to take out multiple targets shooting at you from different angles on screen. So overall, I'm sad to say the gameplay control is bad.
Graphics: The game doesn't look *terrible* but is very far from being anything innovative. The best screens in the game are when Robocop is at the preceinct in his chair, and that is sad.
Audio: The music is pretty awful, the voice acting is TERRIBLE. What more can I say? Robocop gets all excited when he kills someone??? Plus, that doesn't sound like Robocop? That sounds like some high school teacher pretending to be Robocop as a joke to his afternoon class. Also, there is a voice acting part that is so inappropriate to the theme of the Robocop series more than any other : when you die, you hear everyone in the police office BOO at you in unison, then some wimpy black guy is all like "youre a disgrace. have you ever heard of POLICE ACADEMY? go sign up"
Yeah, like a programmed robot, let alone ROBOCOP should sign up for police academy. Whoever wrote the dialogue script for this game should be fired immediately and put back into the food industry flipping burgers at burger king.
Suggestions: MAKE A GOOD ROBOCOP GAME! Get Peter Weller as the voice, get a competant script, or even base a game on the original film DIRECTLY! Thats what we want to see! Not some slapped together piece of crap like this that ruins the perfect license: Robocop.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: At first, in the one player mode, the game starts off a bit slow, but picks up the pace in later missions. Some good controls can be found here with the exception of having to look down/jump during crucial moments to pick up certain items. Going up and down ladders could also have been a little tighter, but overall it's pretty solid. The Xbox live function is great, very little slowdown versus multiple opponents.
Graphics: What can I say? This game is beautiful. Some people are all anti cel-shading, but I can't see why. The visuals in this game are stunning. Great attention to detail has been made to make this game feel as if it were a comic book. When you kill an enemy that is far away, you will see numerous boxes open up so you can see the close up of a shot to the head, or watch them take a fall with a visual depiction of "whhamm!"
Audio: David Duchovny from X Files fame plays the voice of Thirteen. Adam West (awesome) from the 1960's Batman show plays the voice of Carrington. This adds respect factor plus a few notches, but aside from that, the sound is actually quite decent. The whole game has this sort of 1960's spy theme music going on, which can be a bit annoying at times, but being in tune with the game's theme I suppose it works fine because there are no rela flaws with it... When playing on Xbox Live, you have the option to hear the other players voices through the TV (finally) - and there are numerous interesting voice masks to be found, but - too bad they didn't give you an option to test out the voice masking to see how it sounds before you use it, because even if you put all voices through the TV, you will never be able to hear your own voice through it.
Suggestions: Make it so you can test the voice mask you are using in Xbox live before selecting so you can hear what it sounds like. Get Adam West to do more voice work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Xbox live description: Pick from a variety of characters, then beat the crap out of one another. Or king of the hill. Or beat the crap out of one another trying to collect the most stars (my favorite) - either way, this game is so much fun and the boards have excellent replay value.
Graphics: While the box art, and the overall theme of this game looks retarded, the game itself is a lot of fun. The graphics are not that bad at all, it is a cartoon mimic with adult themes.
Audio: The music is a bit cartoonish, but it works for the "over the top" sado-masochistic-gameshow type theme it is shooting for.
Suggestions: Make a sequel with more characters, new boards, and the ability to use a code to take Lucy's bars off.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Mob bosses chop off limbs, heads and even legs if you aren't careful. Along the way you have to make a few tricky choices just like KOTOR as well, the gameplay stops while you make a crucial decision that could affect the game's levels and outcome. Word to the wise: save often.
Graphics: The graphics are crisp and clean. There really are no complaints since this is probably one of the best sleeper hits of all time. This game looks great, and you'll be apt to agree.
Audio: Although some of the music is sub-par to Xbox's standards, the addition of Alien Antfarm Vs. DMX (featuring Robert Van Winkle) as the exclusive "theme song" to this game, makes it worth the purchase price alone considering I have never seen that track released commercially on any of their albums except for this game.
Suggestions: Make a sequel with everything I just listed above.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10