Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Overall: I love this game, and for any people who are wondering if they should buy it, they should. I Would pay $80 for this game.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is like nothing else. the controls are easy enough to use. But the plot is so different. it is completely based on stealth, and keeping to the shadows. All you are armed with is a pistol, which should always be your last resort. you also get a number of cool gadgets. lock picks, spy cameras, and even a machine the size of a pen that can be attached to a wall. you can controll it so that it will start making noises. when the gaurd comes to inspect, it will release poienus toxins.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are great. they completely meet the Xbox standards (Which are way higher than any kind of Game Cube or Ps2 crap. I am a strong Ps2 hater.)there are a varying amount of night visions. heat based, night vision, and a pair that help you see where the darkest shadows are.

Audio: The sound is the best thing about this game. every time you sneak up on someone, you can hear them grasping for air when you grab their neck and hold them captive. the sound is ectremely complex also. if you step on some gravel, you will make more noise then by stepping on a rug. EXCELLENT

Suggestions: NO!!!!! DONR CHANGE IT AT ALL
expect, hey shouldent have put it on the ps2

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Overall: First, that person true xbox master who gave this game 1.5 he doesnt know what the hell he is talking about...lets put it that way.....and now that its on the computer, with online play. that makes it better. i cannot possibly say how good this game is in 5,000 chartacters...i can say this though, GGGGEEEETTTT IIIIITTTTT!!!!!

Gameplay: as i have said, this game is awsome. the gameplay is really good. the controlls are a little confusing in the very beggining. bbut you get used to them extremely quickly. this game is long. when i played the 4-disk game for ps1 legend of dragoon (one of my favoite games ever and i reccomend you play it) i thought that it was long! not compared to morrowind....the elder scrolls III has over 300 side quests. thje plot is pretty cool also

Graphics: the graphics in this game are really good. especciallt the water. i love how when you put on armor, or robes, or just normal clothes, it changes your appearance dramaticaly.

Audio: the only bad thing about this games sound is that is repetetive. there are only about 4 main songs, and they play repeatedly over and over and over and over and over-well,you get my drift...however, i ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL THREE SONGS.

Suggestions: the only thing i can imagine to recomend (Mainly cuz this game freken kicks ass) is that if there is an elder scrolls 4, make it compatable with xbox live.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Unreal Championship

Overall: To anybody who is a lover of fast paced third person shooters, i highly recomned this game. There are a variaty to choose from, ranging from slow and strong juggernauts, to light, acrobatic and speedy fighters. plus, there is Xbox live eneabled, where you have a username, and can join games with massive amounts of people.

Gameplay: I completely love the gameplay for this game. massive multiplayer fights on Xbox live, and even with your freinds. the controls are easy to learn and use so that there is no need to worry in the middle of a fight about which control does what. the only setback, is that single player really sucks. all you do is battle computers, there is no plot. but i suppose, that it why it is called "Unreal CHAMPIONSHip". that is why i only gave gameplay a 4.0

Graphics: The graphics in this game are good enough, there is no other veiw that third person, but after all, it is a third person shooter. the courses vary, but i like most of them extremely. As i said before, I strongly reccomend this game to anyone who loves third person shooters (because thats about all you do in this game)

Audio: I give the sound a 5.0 because it is very good. you can hear your footsteps as you walk, and the music is awsome. it really makes you want to blow someones head off with a plasma sniper rifle.

Suggestions: All i suggest to the developers is that you make this game have an in depth plot.GREAT JOB OTHERWISE

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Overall: All i have to say is that this game is truly the best Mortal combat game that there is. it is also the best fighting game for the xbox. the 3D graphics, the new special moves, and the courses all make this game a must-have hit. Not to mention, there is a new feature called the Krypt, where you can purchase secret characters, alternate chostumes, videos, and more with the currency you earn throughout the game. For more information about this game, go to, and enter Kenshi. When the reults appear, click on the one that reads TRKM games or something like that. there, you can find info on the characters past, present, and end.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is just as good as everything else. the story plot is slightly more in-depth than the other games.The story in this game kicks off when Quan Chi, the netherrealm sorcerer finds his way back into outworld. there, he aligns with tshang sung, forming the deadly alliance. they both have a goal in mind each. Qaun chi kills people for Shang Tsung so that he can steal there soul. Shang tsung uses those souls to give himslef ever lasting life. With the remaining souls, Shang tsung brings back attempts to bring an entire army back from the dead for Quan Chi. so basicly, Shang Tsung wants ever lasting life, and Quan Chi wants military power. the controls are easy to learn and use. although you can't use the analog stick for this game, i would say that that is a good thing because it is much easier to perform moves and combos on the D-pad.

Graphics: The visual graphics in this game are amazing compared to other mortal combat games. in the courses, insetead of simply going back and forth and back and forth, you can sidestep, making the courses a alot larger. this game is alot more gory that the other games. ALOT MORE BLOOD. and the fatalities are extreme. its not even funny how much blood spews out when Shang Tsung performs his fatality, Soul Steal.

Audio: The musici n this game is good, but not as good as past mortal combat games because there is no backround music as you are fighing. but, the sound effects are very good. down to every punch and kick, you can hear the way the characters yell and grunt.

Suggestions: All i suggest for The developers for this amazing game, is that there are more characters to choose from. although i beleive there are 21 in all.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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