Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Madden NFL 2002

Gameplay: This is what it's all about. It's all about the gameplay when it comes to sports games, and if your looking for realistic control this is the game for you. There is a button for almost every freakin thing. Yes this takes away from simplicity, but it adds to the realism of be able to choke if you can't get the controls down. For example you're sweeping to the right one man to beat do I juke, stiff arm, spin, or run right over him. If you're good and know your football you're instincts are gonna kick in and make the right move. Just like the pros. If not then you'll thinking to yourself, "I should have juked!". Don't worry if you're not a natural there are plenty of different game modes you can play to improve your game. For instance my brother kept preventing me from running vertical pass patterns by running a prevent defense. So I set went into practice mode set up the situation, and guess who's adjusting to who now. Okay so maybe you don't want to practice. You just want to start a season a run the table on the statistics. Just set the difficulty to Rookie and passing becomes just as easy as it is on NFL Fever. This game is so awesome go out and get it!!!!!
Graphics: I first played this game on the PS2, and didn't think it could get any better. Well it can and it did. Yeah maybe the fans don't look like the players, but who cares you're not controlling the fans.
Audio: Great sounds and the intro rap song is cool!! John Madden, Pat Summerall, the hits, grunts, what more can you want...
Suggestions: My only suggestion is to allow the ability to taunt or hit the refs. I know sometimes my opponents,and even me, get frustrated with say a pass interference call. We'll control one of the players and run through him pretending to hit him taking out our frustrations. It would be cool if players could finally pay for their bad tempers. Other than that do whatever to improve the sound, graphics, or whatever just DON'T DO IT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GAMEPLAY!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10