Total Reviews: 1
Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 6

State of Emergency

Overall: Your whole city has gone wild, looters are jetting all over your local mall, and police squads are spitting out tear gas everywhere you turn. This is the setting of the ever-so-chaotic "State Of Emergency". Written down, the game sounds like it should be phenomenal, but its flaws take away from what could have been a terrific game. But for its low budget price of 19.99, the game is well worth the money, and should keep you happy for quite a while. But if this game had a full 50 dollars behind it, it certianly should not have even been released. But aside from the few flaws, the game is fun, fast, and quite easy to pick up on. It makes for some good multiplayer fun, and at times agrivationg single player goodness.

Gameplay: The game is simple, you get your mission, pick up a weapon and slaughter. As brutal as it sounds, this is all the game is. There is a bit of a storyline behind the game, but its all text, and reading is the last thing you want to do in a game like this. After you retireve your mission, you go around and usually just kill people. Sure it gets boring, but at first it is a load of fun. You can use one of many weapons including a rocket launcher, flame thrower, !&%$@#* tail, ray gun, machine gun and so many more. But aside from that there are really no bragging rights gameplay wise. One of the biggest mistakes is adding "escort missions". Mostly because this game is so chaotic, one of the last things you want to do is watch someone, who runs as slow as a snail.
Aside from the bad things there are some good points gameplay wise. One of the most notably is the xbox-exclusive multiplayer modes. You can play many modes, including last clone standing and deathmatch. All add up to hours of fun with your friends. This game should have been a multiplayer game in the first place, it was just made for it.

Graphics: When reading about SOE, I remember reading that the visuals would be re vamped and look very nice for the xbox. Well though the graphics were revamped, the textures are still as bland as ever, the people all look the same except for your characters. The only notable visual moments are when something explodes or cathes fire, otherwise the graphics fall short of being mediocre.

Audio: The best part of the game has to be the sound. The explosions, gun shots, and screaming all sound authentice and very well done. Aside from that is the ever-so famous custom soundtrack feature. That really adds to the game, and aside from that, the sound is very well done.

Suggestions: Xbox live and more depth

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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