Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 62
Jet Set Radio Future

Gameplay: Yes easy gameplay to do, nice controls but comeon spraying guys is pretty retarded to tme....
Graphics: Pretty good for a futurerittic games. I kind of like it but its not better than splinter cell!
Audio: Ya its great and i think ripping songs on the game is a great feature unless i am mistaken all sorts of music. !
Suggestions: Very confusing maps :(
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is amazing. It may seem confusing to you at first but after you get use to it you will never want to change controls again. It is also great for multiplayer games thats why i like the controls
Graphics: Their pretty good th e reason why i dont give it a full 5 is because when i went in the water holy crap this guy cant swim thats so weird. Also visuals where great i possibly think a tiny bit could have been done to improve the water and the grass when you walk on it...
Audio: Sound was amazing but was repetative the alien sounds and everything but jhearing them speak was funny and bought a little life into the game ahaha.
Suggestions: More guns + more levels + better alien sounds + more vehicles = another game of the year
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ok the worst part of all was the gameplay i couldnt figure out the moves i couldnt figure out what was going on and the controlsl where confusing to follow. Over all gameplay was flop
Graphics: This is a pretty good part everything was great here i liked the garphics even tho the rest was plain stupid
Audio: Sound was arite but not too good. Maybe i dont like the type of music i th ink this has the riping software which i liked but not that good either
Suggestions: You should have added a racing feature :(
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: easy controls very easy to do everything, they give you lessons on how to play at first so it is ana amzing start to play with. Gameplay is also very good i cannot say much about it except it was great
Graphics: O major improve from teh last one on PS2 very detailed faster, smoother, better graphix everything is great here i really like it and they did what i liked so i am all good
Audio: Crazy as hell th is also one key to this game nice sounds from those players everything is fun to hear and play together. 5 on this one aswelll
Suggestions: Cant wait till 3 !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10