Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 50
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

Gameplay: The game play is good enough...but (and maybe its just my controller) but it seems like some of the sniper weapons are difficult to aim with the xbox controller. Other that complaints.
Graphics: Graphics are everything you would expect from a Lucasarts game. good light saber. good renditions of movie aliens. The graphics dont exactly use the xbox's high standards....but they are definitely above average.
Audio: The SOUNDS are really good. The music on the other hand seemed really choppy. Good standard John Williams score....but it just didnt seem to flow in the game...too many cuts and glitches.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

and nit-pick all its minor flaws.
Gameplay: In my opinion.... the major flaw of this game is its "cartoony" approach.
The bad guys are all to freakin goofy. it totally runis what would have been a perfect gaming experience. I mean. its like.... the "warriors" of this alien race are so stupid and child like...its did they ever manage to create space travel? or weapons? let alone become mankinds worst enemy? Then come the REALLY bad guys.... and they arent much more
menacing. I guess this is kind of meant to be xbox huge "hit for the whole family" kind of game. but. I dont know. I would really have liked it if I were killing the baddies because they seemed like they were threatening my life.....NOT because they were so annoying that I just wanted to kill
everyone related to them.
Graphics: Graphics are its strong point. That and game play. The game lacks in story because every effort was put into the graphics and gameplay. which is all good. but you know. that how it goes. you cant please everyone so you gots ta pleez yo-sef.
Audio: Sound is fine. average. voice acting is really nothing special. but. its rare that it is in video games.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay? Its average. Controls are pretty standard. Sometimes awkward camera angles and screw you up, but?its not tough to move the camera. Sometimes it seems that the hero moves a little slow compared to the things he is fighting? but? I guess that just the way they wanted it to be.
Graphics: Grapics? Cartoons. If you like cartoons then you will be blown away by the fact that you finally get to ?play? a cartoon. Its probably the most appealing part of this game. Just the ability to feel like you are in a Don Bluth cartoon. Now, if only we could get a Transformers game? J
Audio: Sound? Its good. Good score. The voice acting of the damsel in distress is so annoying tho. I seriously got so sick of hearing her that I wanted to mute the voice volume slider. At first she seems good.?but EVERY SINGLE THING she says is exactly the same. So. Yeah. That kinda sucked?. But other that that. Pretty good. A little empty at times. But. You are in a big quiet castle. And that?s how it sounds.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

blowing about the graphics.... but. that is not what the game is about really. its a fun party game.... and its meant to be played with 2-4 people. the more the better. There are so many different games in this thing..... I have had it for 4 months...probably played it every other weekend and parties at my place.... and I STILL havent played all the levels there are. plus...its easy to pick up....anyone can try it and have a really good time. you dont have to be a gamer.
Gameplay: my only other complaint is that you ALWAYS have to play the same level at
the end of a tournament game.... and....thats kinda lame...since its like everyones least favorite part of the game. but. its a small drawback compared to how much fun you have playing the rest of it.
Graphics: One great part of this game is that ALL 4 players are on the same playing
screen at the same time. THere is no "spliting" the screen. the
environments fit all 4 playeds (from a high camera angle) and it totally
works. I seriously wish there were more games like this.
I got Whacked thinking it would be like this.... but the multi player stuff is really not as good....(that game splits the screen and ther eis no "tournament....only single round games). Fuzion Frenzy is much better than Whacked. I dont know what else to say. if you want to have soime fun with friends and you are tired of blowing the crap out of eachother on halo.... try this game. its simple and its really fun. not since mariokart/hots
Audio: sound if a little bit of a drawback. there is sing that repeats forever. its kind of funny in a way (because you will find yourself saying "hip hop you dont stop" to your friends for the next 3 months) but at the same time....they could have recorded a few more songs.
:) Still. sound is not really what the game is about.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Overall, I love 99% of this game. There are multiple endings so....if you love it.... you can play it again. I was pretty breain dead after playing it I put it on the shelf for about 3 months and then tried again( and you get a CHAINSAW the second time thru! wooo!) If you like horror games....or if you havent ever tried one.... this is one of the best. especially now that its "platinum" and you can get it for 20$.... its
Gameplay: Game play is a bit !&%$@#* bersome. Its one of those..."face my direction and
the prestt matter what direction I am facing in" type games. Its hard to get used to and not really too instinctive. but. one you get it can manuever pretty well. I found that my fear of the controls actually racked my nerves even more when playing this horrific title. :)
Graphics: Graphics are strange. There is ALWAYS fog. i think it was kind of a cheap trick to make the graphics seem better than they actually are.... but in reality works. you cant see whats coming 5 feet in front of you (thats where the sound comes in). And the character motion is really well
Audio: Sound is where this game really excells. There are parts where the sounds are so freaking scary that I littereally got chills. that has never happenned to me before from a movie or a game. Only once in real life when i thought someone was chasing me in an alley at night. Seriously. The sound in this game is top-notch.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good use of camera. Controls are easy and intuitive. Level designs are doesnt get repetive. Controlling the squad was intimidating to me at first (I dont really like Rainbow 6 type games) but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
Graphics: Graphics are good. not top of the line, but definitely get the job done. There are a few points where it really shines: great movement of character ...and great facial detail.
Audio: Good voice acting. Decent mumsic and sound all around. Not as creepy as say Silent Hill 2...but....its mixing the whole team combat thing with the horror you cant expect it to be totally scary.
Suggestions: If I had to make one suggestion it would be to have a larger variety of aliens in it. The same few get old kinda quick.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10