Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3057
Hitman: Contracts

Gameplay: I have played Hitman 2 a lot and Hitman 3 is basically an upgraded version of Hitman 2. You cannot choose the melee weapons before you go into a level anymore you just pick them up in the level. There is more of a variety of weapons though. I have gotten silent assain on about half of all the levels and the secret weapons are great. One of the things I would not have done was played it on normal mode. Unless you want to be a mass murderer well pick normal but if want a real Hitman challenge I would but it on a more difficult setting. I haven't tried it on anything except normal but it was just too easy to kill people. Especially when you go to the shooting range. The shooting range is where I spend a lot of the time playing the game. You are walking on a model street with these brick houses everywhere. The targets pop out of the windows. There are 44 of them and it is difficult to hit them. My first couple tries I got 20 something but now I can hit 39 of them with my .45's. It is a great way to train your self for the real game. You can also switch around your sensitivity. One of the things I really did not like was the repetiveness (i cant spel). It says you can kill the people anyway you want but that really isn't true. On most levels you can poison your target or targets. Sometimes blow them up and most of the time you can always get into their hiding space and shoot them with a silenced weapon, strangle them, or stab them. Thats why I would recomend putting the difficulty on something higher than normal. Another thing I really hated was the shortness of the levels. One of the levels was so short I just looked at my map, walked up some stairs, waited for my target, shot them in the head, escaped, then got silent assasain. I did that after a couple tries because I realized how easy it was to get silent assasain. Now there was one level that offered evrything. You go into this fancy hotel and the place is huge. This is the best part of the game (for me at least). You have to eliminate 2 terrorists and escape with a "wmd". There are soo many options in this level it is unbelievable. I just wish every level in the game was like that.
Graphics: The game looks great compared to Hitman 2. The blood doesn't look like ketchup anymore. I really wish I had an HDTV. Everything looks much more realistic.
Audio: The sound is also greatly improved. The guns sound more realistic and the music gives the game more of a rush when you get into a firefight. It makes me love my crappy surround sound.
Suggestions: Try making all the levels as good as traditions of the trade and this is a long shot but an online mode (not just co-op) would be awesome.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10