Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 22
State of Emergency

Gameplay: The controls are easy and non of the missions are hard and there is no difficulty modes, One thing the games got going for it is the multi-player its pretty fun but with 4 players it gets to otta hand. and the arcade is ok to
Graphics: the graphics are ok there like watching a cartoon the explosions are ok and the fires ok to
Audio: The sound is great if you turn the music off after you do that you can hear the sound
Suggestions: This was a pretty good game but alot of people got tried of it the first time they played it
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Live- The game is fun as hell on Xbox Live its really fast and everybody being the the cat like race can get boring after a while but its still fun to play on live
Single player- The single player is bascily to get you used to the controls of the game
Graphics: The graphics are pretty dam good there like a cross between Halo and
RTCW really good looking maps
Audio: The sound is good but when playing on live sometimes with all the action going around its hard to hear people talking
Suggestions: Try to level out the races a little more but other than that the game is great
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10