MEMBER PROFILE FOR givein2soccer
Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
FIFA Soccer 2003

Gameplay: Easy interface, and easy controls make the gameplay generaly easy to pickup. One complaint I do have is the lack of a create a player mode, but the ability to swap players overshadows this loss. Also, I do wish there would have been a ball swerve button on corner kicks and running shots. But otherwise, the shooting and passing are dead on especially with the option of direct passes or the ability to send a player on a run and use a through pass.
Graphics: What an improvement from 2002 World Cup. This game LOOKS 100% different. The players actually look like the players do in real life, and the celebrations and reactions to fouls are very realistic.
Audio: The commentary can be somewhat repetetive and somewhat annoying but the crowds sound great, I do wish that we could hea players yelling at times like during free kicks, if we could hear the goalkeeper barking out orders, that would rock my world.
Suggestions: Add more sound effects, and create-a-player. AND keep landon as your cover man.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10