Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. It was quick if you just ran through the storyline without doing anything in the world. I have played for fifteen or so hours and have a lot of the story yet to go.
Graphics: The graphics are great and the monsters are even better. The magic effects are great and really draw you into the game.
Audio: The music, sound effects and voice overs are done superbly. The music changes according to the situation you are in.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is faster than ghost recon, but uses more strategy than halo or wolfenstein. I loved systematicly and sometimes franticly mowing down all the different enemies. I also liked the way you feel a need to protect your team, work together, and use each characters strengths. Unlocking new characters and teams in deathmatch is great too. Each new player has a new ability. Great! I would like more game types though, and they should be coming over xbox live. Whoever says that hawk sucks, doesn't know how to use her. She has the most kills on my team.
Graphics: The graphics are quite clean and polished. The third person view was hard to get used to at first, but paid off after about an hour. The environments could have been a bit more creative.
Audio: Surround sound is great. Soundtrack is not annoying. The ambient sound effects helped a lot to get you into the game.
Suggestions: Give us more multiplayer options and more system link. Eight is great but sixteen would have been a reason to stop playing halo for a couple of weekends!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10