Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. The fighting sequences are very fun. Indy really kicks butt and its pretty easy to get him to do different fighting combos. Shooting the different weapons is slightly more tricky. When you go to first person view you get the view that Indy is actually facing, not necessarily the one the camera is facing. Takes some practice, but is defintely manageable. The puzzles are not that hard, but that also makes it fun, you can get right to the action instead of spending an hour trying to figure out what stupid block to push then dying when you fall off. I mean, did civilizations spend their whole time coming up with different block pushing gadgets, I highly doubt it. Also the game is very generous when Indy makes jumps and leaves a little room for error so that you don't have to land in one exact spot or die. Makes for a much more enjoyable game.
Graphics: Great graphics. The maps are great and very realistic. Great work. Indy looks like Indy from the movies. The scenery is great and very well done.
Audio: Has all the classic Indiana Jones themes. Good background noises that correlate with the different environments. Well done.
Suggestions: Make more Indiana Jones titles!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is really fun. You get almost total control of your players. Total control, unless the computer decides it would be more advantageous for you not to have control. Playing on the professional level I went to intercept a pass that I clearly got to first, but oh wait, the offensive guy gets there first because the computer wouldn't let me take control of the ball. That's complete crap. There is a big difference in the difficulty levels. Giving the computer an almost unfair advantage. I played a season as Manchester United on Semi-Pro level to get warmed up to all the controls. I mastered them pretty quickly and kept playing and would destroy teams. So I bumped it up a notch to professional level. At this point I can barely score a goal and horrible teams like West Ham are scoring goals like they're Brazil. The computer defense is much harder and the AI is extremely better. Unfortunately, it doesn't kick in for your players. They run around like idiots most of the time and never seem to do the same things as the other team. I don't care if it's hard, just make it fair.
Graphics: Great graphics. The players really look like the real thing. Have noticed that some of the lesser players look alike though. If you're playing with, say, Manchester United everyone is accurate. But, I've noticed that some of the lesser players weren't given as much accuracy. Great stadiums and field protrayals.
Audio: Great sound. The chants and singing of the crowds really make it fun. You hear the custom cheers for many of the clubs. You can also hear the players speaking in their own languages (ie Spanish, French, English).
Suggestions: Just make the game fair. I understand that the difficulties are there to add challenges, but if the computer team can do certain things, your non-controlled players should be able to do the same. Its just not fun if you're getting destroyed because you're players are idiots and the other team plays like the greatest team on earth.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10