Average Overall Score Given: 4.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NHL 2003

Unlike the football franchise which has moved on quite a bit (and indeed their soccer game), this hockey update is very lazy.
Very little new to report and blighted by one of the worst conversion jobs ever ruin any possibility of making it a game to keep, let alone buy.
Rent this game and be glad you didn't waste a load of money on it.
Gameplay: The gameplay is just the same compared to 2002. After playing the PS2 version I found the X-Box pad a bit unwieldy when it came to dekes and defence.
However none of this really matters as the game suffers the worst slow down I've ever seen in a console game! The screen crawls at some points making any attempt at playing the game totally pointless and very, very frustating!
The X-Box is a powerfull machine but if you were to show your non-wised up relative this game, they would wonder why.
Graphics: The grahpics are of good quality, notably in the cut-scene parts(close ups).
The animation is fluid but could be improved - for instance the non agressive checks/stick pokes.
All teams look the part with some players looking more like their realselves than others.
Very little has changed since 2002 though.
Audio: I enjoyed the commentary from 2002, even when it got to the point where I heard the same samples time and time again - it made me chuckle for a while.
Commentary is pretty much the same so shame on you EA.
Sound is fairly uninspriring.
Suggestions: Rebuild the game engine and sack the convertion team.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10