Average Overall Score Given: 9.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Gameplay: Very easy to use - Conquest was great for learning how to fight - Had difficulty with combos that involved switching styles
Graphics: Those old Mortal Kombat characters look that much better - Not that best visual I have seen, but still pretty good - Also, experience an annoying lag when ice takes up the screen and is punched - Computer is able to get an extra punch in while ice is breaking - Just suprised found a game that had lag
Audio: Same old sounds - Background and fighting sounds are pretty cool - But nothing that spectacular here
Suggestions: More Fatalaties - More interaction with environment - Have a good thing going so don't get worse like you have in the past
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very easy to control - Have had troubles with fielding in the past - but this game makes it real easy to control
Graphics: The players look pretty good - The stadiums are very realistic - Great instant replays - The in-game stat menus provides the stats you need in hurry and in an easy to view format
Audio: Great game sounds - However, the announcing duo is not that spectacular - Sometimes seems that they need more unique comments
Suggestions: Its asking for alot but - More interaction with crowd - Like Jacobs Field has a guy in the bleachers banging a drum when it is time for a rally - I want to hear that stuff - More of the little things - like guys flipping over tarp, fence when chasing foul ball
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Real easy to control - The more you play the more you appreciate advanced controls to strafe around goals and adjust of strategy - Can fit individual's preferences with the team's pros - Some may just feel like choosing a strong team, turning up agression, and trying to knock out opponent - Others may prefer to out score opponent - This game easily allows for both types of people - Can either play with one disc or Multidisc - Both are a lot of fun
Graphics: Impressive graphics - Can tell difference between players - All the teams are so visually unique - Camera angle never takes away from playing the game
Audio: Good background music - Loved the unique phrases heard during the game - Its great to be able to taunt your opponent with some choice words will trying to knock them out - But could do all that without swearing
Suggestions: After you beat season you can not continue - work on that - Swearing filter - Some training mode to improve characters in-season - Keep up great original work
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: All the different punches are here - Easy to control character - Training mode is easy to use but challenging enough that you have to work to improve your Rocky - Boxers definately get a lot harder as you progress in Movie Mode so make sure you get those improvements from training
Graphics: The characters look pretty realistic - Just could have looked even better - I think fighters look ridiculous when they taunt - The movie scenes before fighting each Rocky character looks extremely realistic
Audio: Has all the great sounds from Rocky - Hearing Rocky II speak was fantastic - All the characters voices, especially Rocky and Mick, sound just like they do in the movies
Suggestions: create your own character - More stuff to unlock - I can beat it on medium by using only one punch - should fix that -
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10