MEMBER PROFILE FOR madfishmonger
Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Voodoo Vince

Gameplay: This game is really easy to play and the voodoo element is used really well instead of just being a gimick. My only minor complaint was that the the "diving head attack" button being the same as the "swing from rope" button, causing me to accidentally plummet to my death instead of swinging to safety if I hit the left trigger a split second later than the button. Other than that this game is top-notch from start to finish. The graphics, sound, dialog and level-design are all excellent.
Graphics: The graphics in Voodoo Vince are very well done, and the levels are well designed. Unlike other games where it just gets repetive after a while, Voodoo Vince has enough variety in the environments and gameplay to keep you interested.
Audio: As with everything else, the sound is very good and the dialog and voice acting is really good. I really liked the sense of humour.
Suggestions: Excellent job guys!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Other than the saving issue, they did pretty much everything else right in this game. The only complaints about the gameplay would be that there should be more supplies available. It seems weird that you're infiltrating a police station and can't find a single clip of bullets.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are amazing. It should get an award for lighting effects alone, but seeing a curtain flutter as you brush it with your shoulder is pretty !&%$@#* cool too.
Audio: I didn't really notice the sound much so it wasn't really mind blowing, but it bad either. Pretty much what I'd expect from this type of game.
Suggestions: Use the xbox hard drive and let me save whenever I want
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10