Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: game play is so nice, its smooth and AI is just awesome, scoring is hard, but it comes with the game, i really love the aspect of the game having to play it near the boards and battle for every puck and every shot, becouse u just never know when it might go in, the golies are a little bit cruel 2 u, becouse for example brouder shut me out 3 games on all-star... i had my payback on rookie :), well its just awesome to have only 34 shots after a 60 minute game, i mean u should definatly make a powerplay count, and deflections are usefull 2, becouse computer actualy screens golies and doesnt go offside , but does take penalties. 1v1 with a golie now has been made not a 100% goal or even 10% lol, its all how good u are, golies are brakeable!!!!
Graphics: yea the overhead view i liked the most becouse it lets u see alot of ice, and u need to be able to see alot of ice, the hitz arnt all that WOW, but they arent all WOW in real life eather, this is a SIM u know, well everything looks alright, nothign 2 special, the puck doesnt stay on the stick at all the time eather but its only seen on replays, i had hard time knowing who has the puck when playing wiht friends, oh and u CAN check ur own teammate hehe, i love the replays and the game and golies look awesome, but the players look little bit tiny compared to the ice, but i dont think any game is perfect.
Audio: umm i didnt get to hear alot of sound so im not goign to say anything, but i did love the ESPN set up and its music 2, i have to give props for that , it brings warm and cosey feelings of watching a hockey game on TV, BUT i would love a ESPN comintator on the game DAM It, i dont understand how people who make these games not ever complete a game fully, somethign is always left out and i want to know why, dont u guys play the game before u send it into pro
Suggestions: ummmm MAKE GAMES COMPLETE, TEST IT TO REAL KIDS, and for GOD'S SAKE GIVE MORE OF WAHT WE LOVE, little rock music wouldnt hurt... little more detail to faces and players... LITTLE more detail to everything never hurts anyone, i rate this game wihtout seeing LIVE part of it, so it only must be better......
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10