Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NHL Hitz 2003

Gameplay: The game play is pretty good. Season mode allows you to trade players, have a fantasy draft which i am addicted to, it allows you to choose how many games you play. Franchise mode allows you to start of with 6 players and a goalie and create your team and build them up. You can automate your layers or you can create them yourself. In tourney mode you select the team you want to be and you create a tourney, and you select which teams you play against, you can even include your franchise teams in the tourney. Exhibition is like normal where you just play one match with your selected team against another selected team. Hockey school is really easy to complete, but it will help you out starting off at learning the controlls.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good, the fact that they have a 3D crowd is a breakthrough. The 3D crowd tops off a game already full of good graphics. The reflections of players on the ice is a good touch and the fire affects are pretty good. The replay vaule is great, there is so much you can do in replay you can see it from every angle and distance away, the only down is you can see it from outside the rink.
Audio: The sound is great as well. There is so much commentary, some calls become a bit old, but with all the nicknames you can choose from and all the 600 players in the NHL, that is a lot of sounds that they had to record, and the havent let us done. This sound is good bone crunching sound that makes the game what it is.
Suggestions: Create an even better trade player option, like you start of with $10,000 dollars plus all of your 11 players and you trade say an 78 player for an 83 player except you give them say $2500 along with the 78 player. And you should have the option to get injuries, and you have to use left over money from the trade period or maybe money you have earnt through the game to get that player back on the rink.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10