Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Sega GT 2002

Gameplay: Gameplay is great, its hard witch makes it even more better, the car handlings are awsome and realistic.
Graphics: The visuals of course are almost as good as they could get for a raceing game, and the replays are smooth as can be.
Audio: The sound could maybe be a little better but still good, a custome soundtrack should be available, i'm useually so comsentrated on raceing though i dont think i would use it much
Suggestions: i think maybe a few more tracks should be added and lots of rim choices would be nice,,,,,,but all in all its good
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great, movement is great, the moves are awsome and the extras i believe is what gives the game that little extra.
Graphics: Visuals are great, not the best i've seen for the x box but as good as you can get for a game like this,
Audio: Sound is great,,,,everything from the trash talk to the music....and if the soundtrack isnt enough already for you, the custom is a really good feature
Suggestions: The only thing is you could go a lil more in depth with creating your own team and such, it would be nice to create your own team and name but i know how hard and probabaly nearly impossible that would be....and maybe a lil better carrier more and more in depth with it....other then that a !&%$@#* good game
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great, its nothing you can be done with in a week....or as most fighting games go two or three days.....there are alot of really good extras.
Graphics: The visuals are good, and detail is great, especilly the lifeguard pic of Sonya you can unlock in the characters are great looking and the background awsome
Audio: The sound is very very good for a fighting game....a few things could be a little better but you could say that for any game, but still almost as good as it could get.
Suggestions: There could be a few more moves for each character, and i think the finishers could be a little better, and more of them. thats about it though...........for right now
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10