MEMBER PROFILE FOR ruffryder_dmx80
Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Secret Weapons Over Normandy

Gameplay: The gameplay is easy to play. You can just jump right in and start playing or you can try some tutorial shtuff. The chalenges are fun and entertaining and give you a good break from the game. The gameplay alone is pretty fun and is addictive, its easy but at times gives you the challenge you want. This is the best plane game I have ever boughten, and I am glad I did. Go out and pick up this game, YOU! will not regret it.
Graphics: The graphics arent something to rant or brag about, but there not bad. There good enough to keep you in the game and great for the cutscenes. After all, its not the graphics that are meant to keep you into this game, its the gameplay.
Audio: The sound is really nice. I put it through surround sound and it was amazing, one of the best sounds and they actually recorded each planes individual sound, you can see them in some bonus movies you get. Overall the sound fits perfectly in with the gameplay and its something you will like, and gets better, I love hearing planes eeeeeeeeeeeeeer noises and bullets zingin by my face, just awesome. Chh Chh Chh.
Suggestions: LIVE!!!! LIVE!!! Take advantage of LIVE!! this game would be the absolute best if it was live enabled, although i am looking forward to downloading content. Oh and make it so I can be not just the allies, but the axis aswell, that would be swell. Like a successful Battle of Britain, I donno I just hate always bein the good guys.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10